Friday, July 1, 2011

patti labelle on oprah

images Patti Labelle, Madonna, patti labelle on oprah. Singers Patti LaBelle, left,
  • Singers Patti LaBelle, left,

  • santa123
    09-10 09:54 PM
    In India Lifesentences in prisons dont last more than 14 years. we could beat that record here. :)

    Thats why US has advance parole, whereas in India - it is just parole before the end of life sentence...:D

    wallpaper Singers Patti LaBelle, left, patti labelle on oprah. Singers Patti LaBelle, left,
  • Singers Patti LaBelle, left,

  • anandrajesh
    12-12 03:32 PM
    zI have mentioned IV to a some Indians. They have no interest. Some of them are not bothered about retrogression. They exepect the GC to fall in their lap while they are sipping tea and eating samosa.

    Also, it is hard to trust a mainly Indian set up. The Indian contracting companies have set a very shameless level. I told my friends that IV appears different but it is hard to change your opinion when you see something else 10 times a day.

    I apolozie to the sensitive Indians if I this is breaking news. But this is the general feeling and a reason for hate in the blogs: where there is smoke there is fire. It is embarassing.

    You hit the nail right on the head. The Indian Contracting Coz do a shameless job and so are some of the Indians who shamelessly cook their resumes up to match any reqt.

    I have an American Lead who interviewed this indian guy over the telephone and he did appear very smart, but when he joined our company he was plain dumb and didnt know anything. Apparently somebody else attended his telephone interview. Talk about breaking FAITH i have built all these years. He doesnt trust Indians anymore. Who is to be blamed here???

    patti labelle on oprah. Patti Labelle, Beyonce
  • Patti Labelle, Beyonce

  • amitjoey
    11-17 04:51 PM
    Running this thread to thousands of pages alone is not gonna help us. Do you guys have a conference call where I can join and take up some action items?
    IF IV has to throw its might behind this bill we need to:
    -Reach out to ALL lawmakers, target who are susceptible (Sen. Brown from MA for example)
    -Use phone calls (Can we have a mass phone campaign)
    -Radio shows (Do we have a Radio show in Washington DC where IV can get Air time. I am sure lawmakers do listen to Radio shows)
    -Email (what this thread is about right now)

    Good points.
    I am sure IV Core is working on all strategies and will open a phone campaign at an appropriate time. Phone campaign will only work when the bill is taken up on the floor.
    Also, most lawmakers only pay attention to their constituents, sending emails to lawmakers other than the one representing you has little value.

    2011 Singers Patti LaBelle, left, patti labelle on oprah. left, Patti LaBelle and
  • left, Patti LaBelle and

  • zeta7
    03-23 11:54 AM
    I would advise not to go for your landing. At this point you need to make a decision whether you want to pursue canadian GC or US GC. If you have applied for 485 then it best that you not do the canadian landing. You may have issues when you come back to US. They may ask you why you went to canada and you cannot lie and have to tell them the truth. This may raise questions on your intent to pursue US GC. It all depends on your luck as to who you get the IO. I have heard of a case where a person got RFE on 485 after completing the landing.

    If you still want to do the landing then you should be prepared for RFE or NOID on your 485.

    Thanks dingudi. If you know of a solid case where someone was RFE'd because of landing while on 485, then it looks like I might seriously consider abandoning it as well.

    One last question: Let's hypothetically say that I do decide to land and somehow manage to get back into the US without any issues using my AP. However, every subsequent time I leave the U.S. and return, I run the risk of getting "caught" at the POE with regards to the 485/Canadian residency conflict. Am I correct in this assessment?

    Again, I appreciate your input immensely. Thanks!


    patti labelle on oprah. wallpaper Patti LaBelle
  • wallpaper Patti LaBelle

  • mashu
    08-15 03:47 PM
    I am on the same boat as well.
    I think that LUD recent changes with no receipts/no checks cahsed might reflect transfer to TSC.

    Suggestion: for people who filed I140 in TSC and I485 in NSC- to register to USCIS website and keep track of LUD (as a transfer indication):confused:
    BTW, talked to my lawyer, he does not think so but he does not any other opinion also:mad:


    I140 approved by TSC on 6/15/2007

    I4585 received by NSC on July 2, 11:34am

    Last Update Date on I140 - 8/12/2007

    No receipt, no check cashed

    patti labelle on oprah. from left, Patti LaBelle,
  • from left, Patti LaBelle,

  • mygc2006
    11-19 07:35 AM
    Emails sent for me and my wife!


    patti labelle on oprah. patti labelle oprah
  • patti labelle oprah

  • chmur
    07-28 12:23 AM
    I never said we should keep quiet about it. I was only responding to an earlier post reagarding 'EB2 - elitist protectionism'. Just like you are within your rights to look after yourself, so is everybody else - welcome to capitalism. I have always maintained that going down the road of EB3 versus EB2 is detrimental to this group. Your post only adds to this.

    In anycase I dont know how splitting visas equally between EB2I and EB3I can pass the smell test even if DOS were to implement it - there is a categorization that is already established AFTER the initial handout is made on an equal basis. The split completely negates it - at least to the extent any EB2ROW spill over is directed to EB3 when EB2 I and C are already retrogressed.

    Lets not swear by capitalism but selectively resort to socialism.

    Yes, you quoted Visa bulletin which says DOS "may" not to adhere to country limits in distributing spill overs .

    is there anything that says that distribution further has to be done in a particular way ??

    I have not found any . Probably there is none otherwise DOS could not have gotten away with "vertical" and "Horizontal" flip flops.

    In that light every comment about EB*->EB? , failing smell tests are speculative at best.

    You are yet to respond to my question of why EB3-I and recapture lobbying efforts cannot proceed simultaneously and How EB3-I lobbying undermines recapture effort.

    2010 Patti Labelle, Beyonce patti labelle on oprah. Patti Labelle, Madonna,
  • Patti Labelle, Madonna,

  • Refugee_New
    08-18 02:53 PM
    Ok people, the *F* bomb is being thrown about a LITTLE too much here.

    Wasn't that appropriate here? Aren't they use this word in day to day life?


    patti labelle on oprah. Patti Labelle and Madonna!
  • Patti Labelle and Madonna!

  • Hassan11
    07-21 04:18 PM
    received by USCIS on 06/30/08
    Soft LUD 07/01/2008
    EAD expires 09/07/08

    hair left, Patti LaBelle and patti labelle on oprah. Patti LaBelle Sings to Frank Sinatra on his 80th birthday
  • Patti LaBelle Sings to Frank Sinatra on his 80th birthday

  • delhiguy79
    07-22 12:25 AM
    Has anyone done Landing and did next day H1 stamping at Canada?

    Thanks in advance


    patti labelle on oprah. Previous; 3 of 22; Next. Oprah
  • Previous; 3 of 22; Next. Oprah

  • mhtanim
    05-19 01:42 PM
    No FP yet either.

    hot wallpaper Patti LaBelle patti labelle on oprah. Patti LaBelle#39;s macaroni
  • Patti LaBelle#39;s macaroni

  • sdrk
    07-20 05:37 AM
    I pledge $100


    house Oprah#39;s Farewell Spectacular patti labelle on oprah. patti labelle oprah winfrey.
  • patti labelle oprah winfrey.

  • apahilaj
    08-13 09:06 AM
    Did anyone receive card mailed e-mail/status update? I saw one member receive that.

    I am not sure if the card mailed email is the guaranteed way of figuring out if your card is on it's way...Some people have received their cards after receiving CPO email only...

    I am still waiting for my cards. Let's keep the hope alive:)

    tattoo from left, Patti LaBelle, patti labelle on oprah. Singer Patti LaBelle, right,
  • Singer Patti LaBelle, right,

  • gc4me
    04-22 03:53 PM
    Miss obviously,
    either you have a chicken heart or you are a silent partner of a blood s#$king deshi consulting.
    kg318, this is your money and you earned it. Don't give these suckers any option to suck your earned money. Charging for GC process in any stage is totally illegal no matter which state you are from. It is DOL and USCIS policy not of a state.

    I see some people trying to talk here in favour of employers straight or some times using curves. Remember kg318, there are members here who have consulting company ties and who here talks for them as well. Be judgmental.

    kg318... from your initial post you indicated that you "demanded" money back and noted that Company A's practice was "against the law". Now, they are using the same law against you. Not saying it is fair or pretty. Just remember, what you sow, you shall reap.

    It is generally poor practice to go for gung-ho activism in a situation where you are unclear about the law (e.g., non compete) and unable to get good counsel (e.g. immigration and business law attorneys).

    Just keep this in mind. Long term, your peace of mind is worth more than $4K ... just think if there are other ways in which you could have handled this.... in case such event pop up again.

    If I were you, I would have a civil conversation with that company. Tell them that economics took over empathy, that you wish to be in a position where you have less financial loss and would appreciate an amicable parting of ways.
    It's a small world out there. Dont pi*s on anyone, lest it come back to wet your backside!

    Sabre rattling might get you out of this one, but the world still remains a small place!


    pictures patti labelle oprah patti labelle on oprah. (L-R: Patti LaBelle, Beyonce,
  • (L-R: Patti LaBelle, Beyonce,

  • acecupid
    08-18 03:25 PM

    I think you need to do a reality check on your leadership and mobilizing skills. The reason you cant find even 10 people who support your ideas should tell you something. You have to convince people who oppose your ideas in a logical way, so they see some sense in what you are trying to achieve. If you cannot convince people who oppose you with logical answers you wont find much support as a community from IV. I think people like eb3_nepa have every right to question your actions and intentions and if you cannot respond to healthy dialogue, dont expect people to support your cause. You have to give respect to gain respect.

    I personally support your cause about FIFO processing but you need to broaden it beyond EB2 to the entire EB community. It seems to me you have managed to gain such a notorious reputation that people are opposed to anything you have to say :) Its like a HR hiring manager saying to you, you are brilliant but you dont have the right attitude, so we dont need you.

    Good luck!

    dresses Patti LaBelle#39;s macaroni patti labelle on oprah. from left, Patti LaBelle,
  • from left, Patti LaBelle,

  • raybarrone
    08-13 05:02 PM
    It is a hard fact but I guess I do not want to scare anyone. If you notice some people have got their JuLY 2ND filed cases receipt # and most of them have a Notice date of 08/04/2007 (the guys who got their receipt #). This notice date is the day the Receipt was generated. So today is 08/13/2007. It seems that USCIS is delaying this process of issuing receipts as that will give them a chance to reject applications after 17th. So I guess we should brace ourselves for rejection notices also......


    makeup Patti Labelle and Madonna! patti labelle on oprah. Oprah#39;s Farewell Spectacular
  • Oprah#39;s Farewell Spectacular

  • pvpb
    09-28 01:02 PM
    Quick can we check LUD wihtout receipt there any way? please suggest.

    Did you noticed any LUD before check cashing as you got receipt from california. I filed on July 20 and no news yet.

    girlfriend Singer Patti LaBelle, right, patti labelle on oprah. Patti LaBelle
  • Patti LaBelle

  • amitjoey
    07-09 05:14 PM

    Please rate it with 5 stars.

    hairstyles Previous; 3 of 22; Next. Oprah patti labelle on oprah. left, Patti LaBelle and
  • left, Patti LaBelle and

  • avi_ny
    08-01 01:09 PM
    Wait till next week-end. My 140 mailed to NSC on 11th April (why?? not sure) and received RN from texas. ND was dated 19th April. RD was 13th April.

    Now # of applications are more so it can take more time but your RD will be maintained.

    Hope this helps...

    My i-140 no. starts with SRC 06, is this also from Texas?

    12-20 10:15 AM
    Friends - I went for FP appointment on 10/23/2007. But when I check USCIS website. The LUD still shows me 09/20/2007 on I-485. Please let me know if this is normal...

    02-10 02:22 PM
    As promised, I am contributing another $25.00 as $1000.00 has crossed. (Cheque has been posted)

    I will again donate another $25 when we cross $2000.00

    Comeon folks, we can do it.

    So far...29 contributions only.....


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