Saturday, July 2, 2011

How To Write A Check

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  • sam0407
    09-20 04:20 PM
    Just got update from my layer that they have received 6 RN's for me and my wife. I filed our AOS on 9th-July-2007 at NSC. My I-140 was filed at NSC last year but it was not approved at the time of my AOS filing. Last week I also got my I-140 approved. I am on EB2.

    Wish everybody get their RN's soon.. It should be just matter of days.

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  • ramaonline
    02-12 03:08 AM
    Make that 1700

    Payment To Immigration Voice Completed ... -$25.00 USD

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  • GCStatus
    09-13 09:18 PM
    Whats the game plan here?. What will this letter do?. What if we dont get reply?.

    We dont give them any room here. We are not letting them decide anything. We provide them options and they have to choose one. If they dont, we sue them.

    Options according to me. Feel free to correct/add folks.

    1.Process Green card in a consistent manner and provide Green cards who have been waiting for a while and make it current.

    2. Refund every DAMN dollar for all the million applicants who didnt get it.

    If they are not choosing either, we are SUING. No second thoughts here. We are under the water already.

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  • Macaca
    07-10 10:13 AM
    Thanks for posting this link. This is a must read on AOS.


    This link is for section 245 in TITLE 8 OF CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS (8 CFR) (I think!) . This CFR may have other sections of use for us. For example, there may be section 240 that explains some other GC stage.

    Please post a link that is table of contents of CFR. That is, it gives all section titles in CFR: Sec 1, Sec 2, .. Sec 245, Sec 246, ... Thanks!


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  • When you or I write a check

  • acpani
    08-28 12:02 PM
    I sent my 485 to NSC on JUL 2nd, my 140 approved TSC, no receipts . Does any body got receipts who applied on JUL nd...?

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  • gondalguru
    07-02 09:01 AM
    On AILA site...

    "Just Posted -
    Follow-up to Update on July Visa Availability"

    Does anyone have quick access through their attorney to check what it says?
    That thing is there for quite some time now... like more than a day. nothin new about it. just search the forums and you will be able to see what it says.


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  • aniraj
    02-03 03:37 PM
    All the best to you. You must have thought & compared all the limitations.
    In my opinion the issues, advantages & disadvantages change from country to country. It depends on a person how S/He applies those yardsticks during & to particular circumstances. One thing I can not agree more about is the opportunities in education available in US compared to India. I know people will be all over me after saying this but inspite of cost being the factor (which unfortunately is also a factor in case of some good institutions in India now) the avenues available to young generation in US irrespective of their cast/religion/race & financial ability is comparitively greater in US.
    More importantly most of us will be able to adjust to changes relatively quickly but if we have kids who are raised in this system & are at high school level it will be really challanging for them to enter the system in India.

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  • Before Checkstyle can check

  • Pineapple
    12-11 11:43 AM
    I agree with eb3_nepa

    The fact is that the biggest immediate issue facing the majority of people is Not a green card, it is that they cannot even file for it. Wasn't retrogression the whole reason why people joined IV? GC processing was always slow, and that was a big problem. But it only got to be a critical problem when people realized they could not change jobs and their spouses could not work due to the retrogression.

    Let us focus on the low hanging fruits first.


    a) Filing for stage 3 regardless of PD
    b) Relief for people in the LC mess
    c) Fingerprinting one person just Once (i mean fingerprints dont change do they?)

    ... does it make sense to go for a Comprehensive Permanent solution or does it make sense to ask for smaller tid-bits and treat the other costs we incur as "costs of doing business"? ... Let us seriously think about this solution.


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  • minimalist
    01-30 07:33 PM
    1) Read about how treacherous a path they take when they cross the border. The position they were in their home country is what drives them to risk life to get to a place where they can find a better life and moreover provide a better life to family back at home , whom they may not see even once in few years.
    Once you have a fair understanding of their path, in my opinion,you will never compare yourself with them and feel bad about few things that may have gone right for them.

    2)The government bringing them to the front of the line is definitely injustice to people who are already there in the queue as well as to those who are going to apply legally in future. They should make sure they don't get precedence over the current applicants and they have to make sure the don't create a block for the future legal applicants.

    And none of us should even complain when millions of illegals are suddenly made legal by the Government and they jump the line in front of us for no fault of ours and there are EB3s still waiting from 2001. The illegals have taken a risk right by jumping across the border and staying here illegally???


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  • sanjay
    02-14 02:15 PM
    Really? Narendra Modi is great? And thats why he has been banned from visiting USA...WOW


    I did not know that visa to USA is also a certificate of good behavior. Does Modi needs a visa to USA to prove he is good or bad person or vice-versa ?

    Well, every one had choice to be opinionated and I posted what I think think of Narendra Modi. Why, are people so crazy, that they start posting ( BS ) comments with red marks on post.

    Not that I give damn about red color, but remarks and PM are unwanted.


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  • immigrationvoice1
    10-08 10:29 PM
    Answer to question 1: Yes you can, but make sure that at least on paper the job responsibilities remain the same as the job for which your present employer sponsored your GC. The designation can be anything.

    Answer to question 2: USCIS is not very clear on the percentage increase/decrease in salary that a person should draw in a new job from the job which sponsored the GC. However, it says, that there should not be a huge disparity between the two. Looking at the figures that you provided, it looks like a huge disparity. I am pretty sure that the "bonus" in your first job was not accounted for in the salary which was mentioned in the LC by your sponsor. Even if they did, the difference seems to be huge. If it is possible, ask the BIG employer to offer you the same amount of 65K as salary and the rest as "bonus".

    Hi All
    I will ask you in a specific manner .Will you guys help me?

    1. Till now I worked on contract as a SAP Consultant with BIG 4 companies and piled up a lot of responsbilities. I got my EAD and one of the BIG wants me to join as Associate Partner- SAP. Can I accept it on EAD?

    2.Till now my salary is USD 65,000+Bonus.With bonus my salary is in the range of 120K -140K. But now the BIG 5 offers me a salary in the range of USD 180K -200K.
    Can I accept the 'offer' based on the above points and use my EAD?
    Or is it a violation of AOS rules?
    Appreciate if you throw light on this specific case
    Hi Tech Coolie

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  • asdcrajnet
    02-02 10:16 AM
    All the best asdcrajnet.. Both countries are equally good, we have lived in both.. so we know how to adjust..

    Few points that you may need to find out before you go..

    1) Apply for POI for your kid, you may have already done it. There is a restriction that you need to visit nearby police station every 180 days if your son is in India (because he is a US citizen), try to find out more about that and see what you can do to avoid it (may be get a India visa as opposed to a POI)
    If you go to a police station, 100% guarantee they will ask for a bribe or make things difficult for us.
    2) The school fees for non-Indian citizens is very high, because your son falls under NRI category, try to find out about it, and if possible share with us too.

    Everything is good back home but there are few issues which I see are a problem,

    1) Nothing moves ahead without bribery, if we need our stuff to move up the queue, say if it is land registration or getting approval for something - it will not move with bribery and any govt office related work we need to wait a lot and service is bad, unlike here in US there is no bribing and things are so streamlined and good. We can talk about ethics and moral values and not give bribe but then our need will never get fulfilled for years if we decide to go as per queue.
    2) If you are in IT, the work hours are horrible, most of IT companies are outside city limits, we will end up going early in the morning and return late night (because hey we need to talk to onsite guys). If an employee leaves at 5:30 or 6 PM it means there he is not working - not sure when this culture would change there. Again most of them work on saturdays, so only sunday is a holiday, here in US i can leave work at 5 PM or 5:30 and come home and spend time with family.
    3) Commute is very tough back home - too much traffic than what the roads can handle, there is traffic in US too but it is decent traffic, everyone follows rules and lane sense is there. Back home it is really horrible.

    For your PD you have waited for a long time, I would suggest you wait for 1-2 more years and give it a try. We can always go back to India no one is going to stop us, but the return is not very easy. Nowadays h1b approvals and stamping has become a nightmare.

    All the best in whatever decision you make. Everything is for good :)

    My son Has the PIO card. The rule is we have to register with "Foreigner Registration Office" if he stays for more than 6 months. So I got to do that only once. I think there is some procedure when he turns 18. My son will be studying in a Private school. The fees are the same.

    We got to be a Roman in Rome. If we have to bribe a little to get things done, I will do it. I am not there to change India. But I would really try to implement something what I learnt in US. I would never throw garbage in the streets(Preach others not to do it). Be kind to all people.

    I lived in India for 23 years and in US for 11 years. I am used to both systems. I love the freedom of expression in US. Other than that I like the Parks and Nature in US. In India it is only reserved for the rich. Other than that both are fine with me. One big advantage in India is the extended family. I love lot of people.

    I personally believe I can do more philanthropic deeds in India, because in US I have no time and it is hard for me to learn the system and help someone. Somehow. I cannot connect with the people over here(Its just me). All I do here is if something catastrophic happens, I go to Red cross website and donate some. I don't get the satisfaction in just donating the money. I will be happy if I could participate in changing the lives of a few.


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  • sc3
    08-18 05:18 PM
    I am an EB3 (so go ahead with your Red dots!)...

    For any lawsuit, there needs to be a basis. What is the basis of your proposed lawsuit?

    It has been standard operating procedure to process applications on a FIFO basis, subject to some granularity. People who feel they should get their GCs first because their PDs are older are sadly mistaken. Processing by USCIS is based on RD/ND. Not PD. So any lawsuit complaining about PD-FIFOs is not going to fly.

    I highly doubt that any lawsuit which complains that NSC is slower than TSCs is not going to fly either. Each Service center has certain amount of staff, and allocation to jobs, they will be some discrepancy. If someone is able to make a lawsuit stick on this basis, let us know, we will build a avalanche of lawsuits because labor was not being approved in an orderly fashion in 2001-2004 time frame, all of which will then have a direct impact on all the 2004-2006 filers.

    Go ahead and help us out. File your lawsuits, EB3s will join the party with our own lawsuits.

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  • cool_desi_gc
    08-18 06:37 PM
    Sushilup...I am in the same boat.Filed on Jul 10th and no signs of approval.


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  • Curious_Techie
    08-18 01:30 PM
    IV Core is Busy withdrawing money from the bank account.

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  • eb3_nepa
    05-02 11:33 AM
    Ragz thanks for removing the unnecessary quotes :)


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  • asdcrajnet
    02-02 01:52 PM
    Nobody is holding them back and that is the very reason they are planning to go back... got it ?

    Your rant in the post of all things, especially about the caste system seems like the half baked knowledge of a westerner bloating and carrying the caste "issue" to stratospheric levels!

    I don't from what area in India exposed you to your experiences, but apart from the ridiculous reservations and quota system, there have been no caste related issues that I or my family faced while in western India. Be it working with people from all castes, making friends with them or really helping the neglected. This was the case with my neighbors or any relatives.

    Looking at the numerous corruption scandals and making a hoopla about it or relating it tightly to the ancient family values (that India has) that one can give to the children is quite narrow minded. For that matter I can make a big list of scandals in almost every country. There were numerous scandals in 80's and 90's in India - that didn't affect the kind of right values my parents imparted in my siblings or I. I can say the same for my several friends.

    Things are in constant flux in any country - while the divorce rate, teenage mothers, suicide rate was very low in the early 1900's in the US, it went up by orders of magnitude in the last 50 years. Teenage smoking was rampant in the 70's and 80's it went down dramatically after that.

    People wanted to free themselves from the rigid value system and hence the 1960's and 70's hippie movement - what did they do - drugs, sex and alcohol - didn't go anywhere (remnants of which we still see in the US "culture") ! They turned themselves to service, philanthropy and spirituality and found a new way of looking at things - great things have happened thro' the initiatives of these Americans.

    Having a static view of things is really claustrophobic and is a seed of frustration and negativity. Generalizing everything is even worse.

    To understand the culture of India, you need to scratch deeper and assimilate it.

    I simply love this post. I am not a Pro US or a Pro India guy. I have seen many back home complaining about culture in US. I have also see many in US complaining caste/corruption/politics/quota system in India. I don't agree with either.

    Every country has pluses & minuses. Just take the positiveness from every culture/country and lead a happy life.

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  • GCStatus
    09-16 05:14 PM
    I can contribute $200 - and dont be disheartened if only 2 people responded today - keep the thread and top and give it visibility!

    we've gotta keep moving forward ....!

    There you go

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  • gcformeornot
    01-29 05:54 PM
    in trouble. I am not on H1 but I think the moment you get H1, in this case COS from H4 to H1 within few months you should have paying job. There will be problem at time of extension if no paystubs are present. Bench or not employer need to Pay H1b if he has hired one.

    09-19 07:14 PM
    Any solid prediction on EB-3 I

    I think EB-3 I are hopless. Looks like everybody excited in EB-2 Jump and we are left to suffer ..:(

    By August 2009 buletin, EB3-I will settle between 2005 Jan-May.

    07-08 11:52 AM
    All 140K GCs are available on Oct 1. However, dates were not current in 2005 and 2006. I think that current dates do not depend on available GCs.

    Looks like current dates depend on # submitted AOS's. USCIS is saying that on Jul 2 it has submitted AOS's that exhaust submitted AOS quota.
    the availability of dates are determined by DOS after consulting with labor department and USCIS. if the they determine that enough labor applications are pending to fill the entire quota for the year they issue the cut off dates accordingly.
    India is allocated only 10,000 visas in all categories(EB1+EB2+EB3). dates will never be current, given around 700K applicants were ready to file. out of the 700K I imagine atleast 35% will be from india, which translate to around 250K applicants from india who are ready to file I-485, india is given 10K , u can do the math and find out for yourself how much time it will take for the dates to be current.

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