Friday, July 1, 2011

Call Of Duty Black Ops Kiparis

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  • actaccord
    02-17 11:11 AM
    local chapters....I have been part to two chapters but not seeing any communication happening around. On one chapter last communication is on June 2010 with 170 members and on another chapter last communication is on Dec 2010 with 9 members.

    Local chapters need to be as active as IV forum to engage their members to take part actively.

    wallpaper The Black Ops disc, Steel. Call Of Duty Black Ops Kiparis. Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • ub27
    07-27 02:28 PM
    Paper filed at TSC on May 22, 2008
    Service center: TSC
    Last LUD on May 29
    No updates since.
    Currently working on EAD and exires in Sept 2008


    Just called the service center and reply I got back was weird. Apparently their case status viewing system is down and will not be up and running for another 1 week. So, no info as of now and call back in 1 week :(

    Recieved an email just now. Status was updated to card production ordered.

    Paper filed at TSC on May 22, 2008
    Service center: TSC
    Last LUD on July 25 (Previous update was on May 25)
    Current status: Card production ordered.
    Waiting till I get the card .........

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  • The Kiparis is a Submachine

  • intheyan
    08-12 02:01 PM
    What does ADIT processing means any idea is that we need to go to local USCIS office for the interview?

    Your new permanent resident card should be mailed within 60 days following this registration or after you complete any ADIT processing referred to in the welcome notice, whichever is later. If you move before you get your new card call customer service. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. Just follow the link below to register.

    I posted it in a new thread but it is not appearing in the home page links

    2011 Call of Duty: Black Ops Call Of Duty Black Ops Kiparis. Call of Duty: Black Ops
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  • dtekkedil
    07-03 07:18 AM
    It is good to know that there are a few willing to do something about this!

    But we need more people!

    Even about 50 people is a good start! Come on people... spare a few minutes and take part in this protest!

    Don't go on with your lives as if nothing happened and don't think that nothing will happen!

    Most of us come from the land of Gandhiji... most of us have forgotten what that one little man achieved! But the fact is he couldn't have achieved everything that he did if the people of India didn't believe!

    So start to believe people! You can make a difference!


    Call Of Duty Black Ops Kiparis. then shitty lack ops.
  • then shitty lack ops.

  • sirinme
    01-24 06:01 PM
    Any time your job responsibilities change on paper, that could be a risky proposition, I think. An architect's role is a lot different from that of a programmer analyst. So unless the original job description for programmer analyst is too broad in its wording, you might be in for trouble.

    Thanks SIRINEME for Sharing your experiance.
    Quick Question though,
    What Happens if you are offered Higher Position then the responsibility listed in Job descirption? For eg. Lots of perople apply for Programmer/Analyst Position and over the years of cumulative experiance he is offered Architect Position.


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  • desi3933
    07-10 12:24 AM

    1. From tax standpoint, W2 means the company (could be fully/partly owned by you) is paying tax-at-source. On 1099, *you* do the taxes and hence the hourly rate on 1099 is typically more than that on W2. Yes, you can be an owner of a corporation and file taxes as as a C-Corp or an S-Corp on W2, but not as a "Self-employed."

    2. Yes, I-140 is for "permanent" (definition needed) and FT job, since the sponsoring company has always an "intent" to hire the petitioner in the future. *But* AC21 provision helps you to change employers after 180 days of filing I-485, if your I-140 is approved. The new job has to be "same or similar" to the occupation your I-140 petition was filed for. The "permanent" intent of the original employer disappears under AC21 because you changed employers (or your original employer withdrew I-140, even though he had genuine "intent" at the time of I-140 filing to hire you in the future). I agree that "any memo (including Yates memo) supplements the existing federal regulations," but the Yates memo gives you the AC21 provision, which was a law signed by Pres. Bush.

    3. It is wrong to *infer* that "AC-21 job must be of same type as I-140/labor job, hence must be permanent and full time." As I say in 2. above, the employer who filed your I-140 should have intent, *at I-140 filing time*, to hire you in the future. And that intent is not needed after 180 days of filing I-485 *and* approved I-140, regardless of whether your original employer continues or withdraws your I-140 petition.

    4. You're wrong in your example of "A job with 6 year contract is a temporary job." I've often seen the "6-month contracts" getting extended to 1, 2, 3 years or indefinitely. Similarly, a "permanent" job may last a few months (e.g., because of a recession).

    5. It is true that "all H-1B jobs are temporary in nature and called guest workers," but H-1B (compared with, say TN-1) is a dual intent visa. Once you file I-140, your intent (whether on H1 or EAD) becomes not that of a temporary visitor but as the one seeking a permanent stay in this country.

    6. Again, it's wrong to assume that "most of full time exempt jobs in this country are permanent in nature." And even if they were permanent, in what sense?

    I think we're running into into two issues here. The first one is related to semantics--i.e., what constitutes a "permanent" job? The second one is the *inference/assumption* that, because because I-140 requires you to be on a permanent, FT job (=sponsoring employer has "intent" to hire you in the future), your employment under AC21 provision should be "permanent".

    1. You can be self employed on c-corp as well. Please go to bank of your choice and you will get the answer. I do have business accounts and speaking from my own experience.

    2. Here is one RFE issued by USCIS. This should answer that AC-21 job must be permanent and match your labor/I-140

    If you will no longer be employed by the original Form I-140 petitioner, you may still be eligible to adjust your status under the visa portability provisions of section 106� of the American Competitiveness in the Twenty-First Century Act (AC21), Public Law 106-313. This legislation permits certain adjustment applications to change employers without filing a new immigrant visa petition, provided they are:

    The beneficiary of an immigrant petition approved under section 204(a)(1)(F) of the Act (previously 204(a)(1)(D)), AND The application for adjustment has been pending for more than 180 days, AND the new permanent position is in the same or similar occupational classification as the original employment.

    If you now claim such eligibility, submit a letter from your new employer, describing your present job duties and position in the organization, your proffered position (if different from your current one), the date you began employment and the offered salary or wage. This letter must be in the original and signed by an executive or officer of the organization who is authorized to make or confirm an offer of permanent employment. The letter should also indicate whether the terms and conditions of your employment-based visa petition (or labor certification) continue to exist.

    3. See point 2.

    4. Contract extension does not mean job is permanent. And, yes, 6 year contract job is temporary in nature. Permanent job can not have end date. Period.

    5. Dual intent visa means that it can be issued even if I-140 or I-130 has been filed on your behalf. Nothing more than that. GC job is independent of H-1B job.

    6. Again, Permanent job is a job that is expected to last unknown term and is not defined for a period. H-1B job is not permanent since they have end date specified by LCA and H-1B visa petition.

    7. Here is a case for I-140 that was denied, since offered I-140 job was not permanent full-time job. Read for yourself
    Link to case (,%20Professionals,%20and%20Oth er%20Workers/Decisions_Issued_in_2009/Jan022009_06B6203.pdf)

    Not a legal advice.


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  • simple1
    05-02 01:31 PM
    The derivative files using primary's PD. read all posts in this thread, the I485 form and INA. it is clearly in the law.

    This thread is discussing about quota. not PD.

    In essence none will be affected ( ofcourse EBdependents and existing FB2A may get delayed slightly , that is ok)

    I think the FB2A category has a cutoff date of 08OCT04 according to the current bulletin.

    2010 The Kiparis is a Submachine Call Of Duty Black Ops Kiparis. Call of Duty, Black Ops,
  • Call of Duty, Black Ops,

  • dixie
    12-15 02:29 AM
    I totally agree - our concern should begin and end with whether our interests are addressed or not. This is not the time to argue and nitpick on what is good for the whole world in the long term - remember, there is no "long term" for us without a GC. Lets be realistic - its a done deal that EB reform if all it comes up, will come with either a generous H1-B increase or illegal alien amnesty or both of them. Its not our job to worry about excessive immigration - the anti-immigrants and their friendly congressmen are always there to raise a hue and cry and dilute any and all pro-immigrant proposals. With them at work, if we ask for a yard we will get a foot, if we ask for a foot we will end up with not even an inch.
    Well, it is not a perfect world. It is not a perfect system. When CIR comes up every group will push for their interests. If u send a mail to any Senator, all u get is a standard reply about H1-B. It will be impossible to educate every ligislator. We have to do the best we can to voice our concerns and go with the tide. We cannot nitpick the sections of the CIR and tell the legislators vote only for these. We just make sure that our issues are addressed in whatever bill comes up.


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  • desidas
    01-24 07:06 PM
    In this thread there are lot of folks who changed employers using AC21 after 180 days I-485 is pending.

    Did they ever travel to thier home country using AP after switching employers from the orginal GC sponsoring employer?

    Where they being harassed at Port of Entry by Immigration Officers why siwtched employers and travel on AP?

    Please share any experiences

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  • chanduv23
    04-20 01:58 PM
    Can we assume there are no issues?


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  • Call of Duty Black Ops - Best

  • gcspace
    10-17 09:31 PM
    I'm very glad to hear the news. Let us see when my checks are going to be cashed. By the way, was your 485 packet signed by F.HEINAUER @NSC on July 16th?

    I did called NSC IO yesterday and she said that my packet must have been in caught up in the front log.

    Looks like all our 485 packets have been xfered to TSC from NSC. Hence SRCXXXXXXXXX

    My packet delivered on July 16 signed by R Pitcher 9a.m. at NSC.
    I am hoping yours and Vivek.. package was also in the same bundle.

    Just curious, what is a front log ??

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  • GCStatus
    09-17 02:48 PM
    GCStatus did not mention anything about Labor or I-140 fees here. Nor did he mention, he paid them.

    He refers to all the DOLLARS he has paid for , which means, all EAD and AP renewals ( For self and spouse) , Additional Lawyer fees incase of incorrect NOID, additional Bio-Metrics fees.

    Wait till you hear the actual Lawsuit. Long way to go. But your post helped us to clarify what we are talking about to rest of the folks like you, incase, they misinterpreted the information.

    Thanks to you.

    Well thanks MadhuVJ


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  • suriajay12
    02-25 08:55 PM
    Thanks for your insight and observation.
    Do you believe in what IV is doing?

    If Yes, i will really appreciate if you can contribute and help us in any way. This is an organisation run by people like me and you, who have full time jobs and have families also. If we all can take out some time out of our busy lives and try to help IV, then everyone will know about IV.

    When we say we need to convince people, which is ridiculous, as i am 100% sure, everybody knows whats going on. We all are suffering and are here fort he long haul. If still people dont want to do anything, then no one can help us.

    So, Thanks a lot for your insight and help IV to help yourself.



    I could convince 3 of my colleagues who are READY RIGHT NOW to contribute $1000.00 each. I can do $500.00.
    But they asked me just one question. What is the action plan that IV is collecting these monies from prospective immigrants who are already in pain due to this economy and all that. I did tell them about July 07, flower campaign, but they are not willing to listen. They said they did not contribute at that time due to some reasons, but they now want to contribute big way. They have a much bigger friend's circle than mine who are also doing good from top schools who may contribute too. They may also register in IV soon.
    But their only question is "What is the action plan for FUTURE". Can you please help.
    I am confused myself with the same question, no offense. Like me, they wouldnt wait and wait forever for things to happen. We Strongly believe in any action towards goals. Trust me, we need lots of money, but the way they responded made me feel uncomfortable.

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  • Madhuri
    02-17 07:59 PM
    Keep it going guys and gals!


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  • Re: The Weapons of Black Ops.

  • vdixit
    08-12 02:07 PM
    I think we got our green cards.


    Current Status: Notice mailed welcoming the new permanent resident.

    On August 12, 2008, we mailed you a notice that we had registered this customer's new permanent resident status. Please follow any instructions on the notice. Your new permanent resident card should be mailed within 60 days following this registration or after you complete any ADIT processing referred to in the welcome notice, whichever is later. If you move before you get your new card call customer service.

    Only catch for us is that we are moving next weekend!! I am going to do change of address with USCIS immediately, but in the meanwhile what if they mail documents to my old address? Any suggestions?

    Also whats ADIT.

    BTW our case was at NSC and priority date is May 2004. Application mailed Aug7th 2007.

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  • cool_desi_gc
    03-25 09:02 PM
    Dec 2002...This calendar year..You made my day.

    PD: Dec 2002 EB3 India


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  • satish_hello
    09-21 10:38 AM
    I got mmy EAD for both of us, and AP Approved and received yesterday.

    EB2/PD-Sept'2004/I-140 Approved.
    I-485 - Sent July5th. - Transferred ---> WAC ---> back to NSC
    EAD- Card Received
    AP - Approved.
    AD -?

    Contributed $100 for Rally.

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  • sands_14
    07-02 10:33 AM
    Looks like 150,000- 200,000 applications will reach by tommorrow evening and USCIS will stop accepting even if they dont revise visa bulletin.

    And in such case,they will retrogress a lot more than 2003 or 2004 in august bulletin.

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  • lord_labaku
    08-18 03:05 PM
    With this issue of priority date taking a back seat to notice date when dates are current :

    While it is frustrating to the people with older priority dates (including me); it could very well be that USCIS is approving people with later priority dates sooner because its simply easier for them to do so. I really hope that this trend does not last beyond Aug-Sep. And in October, for EB2 - I, there is still a good likelihood that for people with priority dates < 2004, dates may still be current. So they can very well be approved from Oct onwards. So if I have to sacrifice a few months of waiting time to make sure visa numbers dont go wasted. I am prepared to do so.

    Also it is very likely that people with older priority dates have a longer history in the US. So USCIS might need more time correlating all entry/exit time stamps, making sure we were in status all this while; but a person with 2006 priority date might have entered the US in 2005 & so less history to check.

    Also there is the case where later priority dates were using PERM. since PERM was made to be less abusive than the previous LC process, maybe they take less time cross checking LC data.

    It is unfair. So is life. Do I think a person with EB3 with priority date 2002 needs to wait 5 more years than a person with EB2 priority date 2006. No thats unfair as well.

    Complaining issues such as this to the authorities will only make one thing clear - The current US immigration is full of such vagaries. It needs a clear & complete over haul. Thats not gonna happen soon.

    For now, I think we just be satisfied with our EAD cards & AP & wait for the GC when it comes. It will be little less frustrating if we dont keep looking at immigration trackers.

    08-18 03:04 PM
    People all Jokes apart!
    We got a real problem on hand....
    Shall we proceed at all or not???. I am more than willing to handover the reign to anyone who wants to take this to fruition....

    05-01 11:32 PM
    Even if we have five people agree to file this class action lets do it .....
    Once we have this law suit filled I'm sure will have the visiblity and whole band wagon will behind us.

    1, Let choose an attorney who understands our pain wants to fight for our cause. if its Rajiv Khanna so be it.

    2, Whatever the inital attorney consultion let split the consultation fee between five of us.

    3, Once we have a stream lined class action in place will gather more people.

    what you think ..?

    I absolutely agree what you said this will atleast help us to predict where we are with the processing ..If this whole thing is going to take 22 years tell us we won't F****** throw away our life waiting for it.

    Lets file a lawsuit to get the info in a manner we need:

    1) breakdown of processing dates in a manner that co relates to visa bulletin.
    i.e.: tell us how many petitions by per country are pending/processed and processing dates by country and category. Atleast USCIS is answerable to visa bulletin.

    2) Visa usage by category reporting each month
    (How many petitions were approved are pending by visa category and by country) (here I mean just I140 and I485). Adjust the numbers if there are denials.

    This will atleast help everyone predict whats going to happen in recent months. One of the heartburns we have is no information comes out of USCIS and we are held hostage to what oppenheim says or Aytes says or Sheela Murthy says. This is public information so lets try and get it public every month.

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