Monday, July 4, 2011

Before And After Rhinoplasty

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  • nashim
    06-02 08:44 AM
    Please share your experience, if any one come across this situation

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  • reddymjm
    05-02 12:11 PM
    Why not if 'Who did not even know about IV till Apr 2007 are CONTRIBUTING here'.
    Do u think admins should ban people from expressing views if joined after a certain cutoff date???

    in contributions and in any thing else... I started contributing even before lot of people here heard about IV.

    Before And After Rhinoplasty. Before amp; After Nose Job
  • Before amp; After Nose Job

  • georchen
    09-12 03:10 PM
    My app was sent to NSC on 7/2 but I-140 approved from TSC. Still no receipts, no checks encashed. Called USCIS, and they asked me to call after 90 days. Any ideas ? Is anyone else in the same boat ?

    I'm in the same boat. no checks encashed. no receipts. Pray God every day.

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  • idiamin
    11-18 11:30 AM


    Before And After Rhinoplasty. Before And After Rhinoplasty
  • Before And After Rhinoplasty

  • zoooom
    07-19 08:50 PM
    $100 from me.

    Rahul :)

    Before And After Rhinoplasty. Before After Rhinoplasty,
  • Before After Rhinoplasty,

  • eb3_nepa
    05-03 05:01 PM
    Only if PD is current!!!

    If u can only file for AOS if PD is current then how does it work?

    I thought that if u had an advanced degree u were exempt from the quota right? So then cant u just apply?


    Before And After Rhinoplasty. after Rhinoplasty before
  • after Rhinoplasty before

  • eb3India
    04-20 03:31 PM
    Per my lawyer,

    1. USCIS does not mandate that you must inform when you invoke AC21. You can inform them if and when you get RFE.
    2. I strongly believe that we should not accept job offers that is not related to the job you originally applied for. My lawyer says it is usually vague and if USCIS determines other wise I will be in trouble. And for the same reason I am hesitant to accept very good employee offer from my current client.
    3. Self employment is ok as long as the requirements are met and that is what is I am doing now.

    I changed my job twice using AC-21 informed USCIS once, I don't see any risk itz a law, as long as you are able to produce paperwork that your current job is similar to previous one you are safe, any decent employer would give you a supporting letter (oh ya exluding blood sucking desi pimps).

    I find many guys calcluate too much and let go good opportunities, get real guys no one is behind you if you have job and not done anything wrong,

    I really don't care when I get my GC as long as they renew my EAD ( I am on my foruth EAD)

    2010 Before amp; After Nose Job Before And After Rhinoplasty. View more efore and after
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  • senthil1
    03-10 02:54 PM
    Any lobbying for immigration is tough at the time of recession. I think you are trying to do advocacy effort. Without getting approval from core IV group it will not be any use as advocacy effort only will not work. Senators will note your concerns and will act only if some bill is introduced. You need lobbying with advocacy effort for changing any law. Lobbyists will lobby only at right time as if they do in wrong time it will backfire.

    This is what puzzles me, on one hand you tell us 'You couldn't even begin to imagine how many cases like this there are'....
    Which is exactly I have been saying, unless we do something EB3 India could be waiting for a decade or 2...
    But on the other hand if I want to address this issue in a manner which could see least resistance, you tells me I'm living in 'Utopia', administrator threatens to 'Ban' me ????

    On other hand


    Before And After Rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty Before After
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  • mrsr
    07-04 06:02 PM
    I am not sure why we will they hold?

    hair Photos Of Before And After Before And After Rhinoplasty. Before and After Rhinoplasty
  • Before and After Rhinoplasty

  • neswar
    07-04 07:27 PM
    Problem is not only with the desi companies! If you work for the so called MNC, still you will be exploited. At least if you convince your desi employer that you will work for them for X number of years, they will be ready to help you. Sometimes they will go beyond the legal limits if the get return from you. Not true with MNCs. In the name of abiding the law, the will not help you. I have seen many people work MNCs, just at the verge of getting the GC, they got laid off! No need for me to tell what happened to his GC.

    So in my opinion the best way to get your GC is go thru the blood suckers! That is the price you have to pay to become citizen of this "Land of Opportunity".


    Before And After Rhinoplasty. Before And After Rhinoplasty
  • Before And After Rhinoplasty

  • gchopes
    12-26 10:46 AM
    I didnt have to open an SR to get the FP.

    - gchopes

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  • gccovet
    07-24 09:44 AM
    Paper filed at TSC on May 22, 2008
    Service center: TSC
    Last LUD on May 29
    No updates since.
    Currently working on EAD and exires in Sept 2008


    Just called the service center and reply I got back was weird. Apparently their case status viewing system is down and will not be up and running for another 1 week. So, no info as of now and call back in 1 week :(

    Same here:
    Service Center : TSC
    File type : Paper Based
    Filed : May 29th
    No update since then:
    EAD Expires 09/08.

    Started to get worried!!! Hoping to get the cards in two weeks else will ask lawyer to look into the matter (Don't know what they can do in this situation)


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  • GC08
    05-04 09:08 PM
    I have to say, no matter how reluctant I am, that I am pretty depressed about the whole green card thing. I have always tried to have a positive attitude and I definitely know that there are a lot of things much more important than green cards. However, I do feel the emotional toll of green card retrogression. Maybe admitting, instead of denying, of the frustration, depression, and even anger is better and may help face it up.

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  • gc28262
    03-06 04:44 PM
    Please note that this is not an IV endorsed effort. mirage led this effort of brainstorming and coming up with an action plan.


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  • Rhinoplasty Before After

  • RSM1444
    02-10 07:07 PM
    Donated $100

    Your transaction ID for this payment is: 0L503528GU222744P.

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  • aquarianf
    04-24 11:29 AM
    Guyz, i met attorney. got copy of non compete agreement from a co-worker. I feel kind of releived after what he said.

    As per him, every non-compete agreement that is signed cannot be neccessarily enforced in the court of law. If the sole purpose is to avoid ordinary competition, it is unreasonable and unenforceable. If the agreement is ever challenged in court, the most important question, which will be posed from the Judge to the employer, is "What is the legitimate business purpose that is served by this non-compete agreement?"

    Now as h1b employees, as every one knows we r not the key personnel in the company. we do not carry with us any trade secrets or confidential information which might harm their business.

    AS per him the higher up the "food chain" an employee is at a company, the more willing courts are to enforce non-compete agreements. Upper level employees are typically exposed to more confidential, trade secret, strategic and other information that gives a company a competitive advantage in the market place. The lower down the food chain an employee is, the less likely a court is to enforce non-compete and non-solicitation terms.

    Also non competes always have to give some profits to the employee, say a paid vacation, bonus or somethign like that. An employer cannot
    just make the employee sign it to restrict him from making better living and not give anything in return....

    Seems like these things are favourable to all the h1b employees.
    If any employer is claiming non compete to hold the consultant to his company, then even he should not take employees from competetive companies..... But r they doing it???????? We all know the answer.... IT consulting businesses run like that.

    can you ask the attorney if he can work on contingency basis? Or did he gave any estimate of how much it may cost you if you have to face lawsiute or if you have to go to settlement route?


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  • sku
    11-21 03:31 PM
    Take a second opinion,
    I had similar situation with my close friend here.
    I was with him when he underwent the surgery, Once Doctor came out of surgury he told me (as I was the only one there and his family was in India) that my friend just had 6 months to live, But later found out that was treatable through chemo and radiation..This was almost 4 years ago, My friend is totally recovered and he got the GC year back and he is working in Mid-west.

    So don't lose hope in GOD.

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  • sledge_hammer
    01-30 05:06 PM
    Don't confuse between taking legal risk with doing something illegal. You must be an idiot to think they are the same.

    Poeple that sold $500K home to those who make $40K were not doing anything illegal. What they were doing was irresponsible. It is the guy that was making $40K, but lied on his application that he was making $80K that is the criminal.

    And your assumption is that we are complaining about unethical behavior because we are in the US and we think that everyone in the US is ethical? How stupid are you? Sorry to burst your bubble, but we do not think so. I, and many like me, think we should do the right thing no matter where we are, here, India, or elsewhere.

    I can't help but laugh at all these taking moral high ground. They talk like this even after looking at what is happening in so called highly ethical american corporates.
    There are rules and people smart enough and daring enough go ahead and push it/bend it as much as possible to achive what interests them most.
    As of April 2009, the person who asked the original question and the consultant who asked the question assumed they should be able to land a contract job once October rolls around.
    It is a common practice, without going into how it is unfair for the numerous others who have job offers in hand.

    Now what would you say to the people who sold houses worth 500,000$ to the people who are making 40K per annum or so? The people who took the risk bear the reward or repercussions.

    The person who took a risk by applying for H1 without a client offer, and the consultant would have been rewarded financially if they were able to land a job.
    Now that they can't, they have this potential of being illegal stay/out of status or whatever that they have to deal with.
    So I suppose, if we can help him with answers to the questions he is seeking and provide any guidance that will help him deal with the results of his decision , as many are doing on thread, that is great. If not, don't have get so preachy/flamey.

    Peace out.

    PS:Aksham,this is not directed at you.

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  • tuhin
    11-18 02:53 PM

    05-01 09:38 AM

    I belive It is not 10-15 years.

    actually, even after correctly following the law, in case of EB3, families may get it earlier.
    VB date for 2A (family quota) is 08OCT04
    VB date for EB3 is now un available.

    In my case (EB2). The VB date is 15FEB04. Families VB date is 08OCT04(my spouse). Only 6months diff.

    gurus, correct me if required.

    07-20 10:54 AM
    I dont think the admin will make this sticky or put permanently on the home page.

    All, who ever is online at any time please bump this up frequently if it is not in the top 5 on home page.


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