Sunday, July 3, 2011

Black And White Beach Photography

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  • smaram1
    08-23 06:24 PM
    Thanks Transpass..I really appreciate it...

    wallpaper hdr lack and white Black And White Beach Photography. Black and White Beach Photo
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  • Ramba
    07-09 02:41 PM
    Getting a letter is not a big deal. What if I am a full time consultant in that company?

    consultant does not consitute employer-employee relationship. This WILL NOT satisfy the full time permanant employment.

    Black And White Beach Photography. Beach Way … Black amp; White
  • Beach Way … Black amp; White

  • Openarms
    05-02 02:42 PM
    It seems to me that there is a discrimination going on with EB3 India. So far there are not many approvals why???? They are trying to suppress this EB3-India category why??? lot of approvals in EB2-India? why??? don't say they are less cases.

    2011 Black and White Beach Photo Black And White Beach Photography. Marconi Beach Wellfleet: Black
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  • Amma
    02-24 08:07 AM
    Thanks for your help the common cause.

    Keep it up.


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  • rmdsouza
    06-24 04:21 PM
    100% of anti-immigrant poll questions focus only on the Undocumented. We are only addressed as an afterthought.. mostly in the analysis nowhere else NADA. Here is a sampling of NumbersUSA poll questions..

    Here is a sampling of the questions..

    Public Opinion's goal of reducing annual legal and illegal immigration to more traditional numerical levels enjoys broad based public support. Virtually every major poll that has been conducted in the past decade finds that a majority of Americans support lower immigration numbers. As many of the following polls suggest, what we are for is the same thing a majority of Americans are for. CLICK HERE for our Public Opinion Archive.

    Prefer Lower Numbers

    Sixty-seven percent of Americans approve of the U.S. government deporting illegal immigrants to the country they came from.
    Opinion Research Corporation/Lou Dobbs poll, June 8-11, 2006

    Sixty-seven percent of Americans would you like to see the number of illegal immigrants currently in this country decreased.
    Opinion Research Corporation/Lou Dobbs poll, June 8-11, 2006

    Fifty-seven percent of registered voters believe the illegal immigration situation in the United States is "very serious" and twenty-nine percent believe it is "somewhat serious."
    FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll, May 16-18, 2006

    Fifty-five percent of registered voters "favor" trying to send as many illegal immigrants back to their home countries as possible.
    FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll, May 16-18, 2006

    Seventy-seven percent of Americans think the United States is not doing enough to keep illegal immigrants from coming into this country.
    ABC News/Washington Post Poll, May 11-15, 2006

    Fifty-seven percent of Americans think the May 1, 2006 illegal alien solidarity protests did more to hurt their cause than help.
    NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll, April 21-24, 2006

    Informed that U.S. population is projected to grow to 420 million by 2050, fifty-seven percent of respondents believed that the present U.S. population of 300 million or less would be best for the country in the long run.
    Roper ASW Poll conducted for Negative Population Growth (NPG), April 14-16, 2006

    Six of ten Americans, according to the poll, favor annual immigration (now one million yearly) of less than 600,000 a year. Forty-five percent of respondents favored annual immigration of less than 300,000. Overall, seventy-two percent of respondents favor an annual immigration level that is less than the current one million.
    Roper ASW Poll conducted for Negative Population Growth (NPG), April 14-16, 2006

    Fifty-six percent of Americans agree that a practical way to reduce to near zero the number of resident illegal aliens is legislation making penalties for illegal presence so severe that illegal immigrants would leave voluntarily rather than run the risk of being caught and penalized.
    Roper ASW Poll conducted for Negative Population Growth (NPG), April 14-16, 2006

    They have effectively blocked our goals by muddying the issue of undocumented and legals. To the average Joe on the street.. immigrant == undocumented

    Id like to see how many people will say No to the question " Do you support increase of Green Cards to immigrants already here playing by the rules, paying taxes, Soc Sec etc without benefits, and waiting in line for an average of 6-7 years"

    Hell, quite a few of the poll questions say the "amnesty" is unfair to those people who play by the rules...

    I say.. focus our efforts on us for the time being.. differentiate ourselves from the undocumented..

    Black And White Beach Photography. Black amp; White Photography
  • Black amp; White Photography

  • gc28262
    05-10 08:50 PM
    .................................................. .............
    .................................................. .................................................. .
    I personally think GC quota has a rationale behind it. It allows for a reasonable share to go to smaller countries so that the US population maintains its diversity. Besides, near the end of the year, if the numbers are unused, they are rolled over to larger countries like India and China, thereby automatically eliminating the quota.

    If the original intend was to promote diversity (whether it is in FB or EB immigration), quota should be based on ethnicity of US population ( GC holders and citizens ). Ceiling should be applicable to countries those have a high percentage of representation in US population. Does India or China constitute a majority in US population ? No way. Indians and Chinese are a minority in US population.

    The concept of "diversity" by country is a racially motivated law. It does not promote diversity. In fact it limits diversity.


    Black And White Beach Photography. photo of Galicia Beach,
  • photo of Galicia Beach,

  • unitednations
    08-26 03:15 PM
    There were so many rejected L1 Individual petitions filed by TCS/Infy/Wipro etc.. These big companies will include all the internal tools in the resumes and INS asked for the purchase orders for all the specialised tools.

    As there were no PO's for those tools, petitions were rejected in large numbers. This has started in the last year and continuing... i personally have lot of friends whose petitions were rejected and went back to India..

    I also know a few people from these companies. Remember when the senators/congressmen sent the letters asking for explanation of how they are using h-1/l-1. Companies responded with the biggest bull---- answers.

    Now they are seeing what happens when you don't take serious when government representatives ask you things. Unfortunately; they are being picked on but everyone else is becoming collateral damage.

    2010 Beach Way … Black amp; White Black And White Beach Photography. lack and white candid picture
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  • sundevil
    03-06 11:21 PM
    Anything that has language to exempt from quota is bound to run into severe resistance. However one thing here in US is to challenge any ambiguous negativity in courts. Has there been any instance of challenging country quota in the court as discrimination as some people brought it up earlier. Remember laws can also be changed through courts also, not just legislation.

    Even though we are far from Citizenship test, I know there are 3 branches of government,
    Judicial, Legislative and Executive.

    We do not seem to have much hope in the Legislative(Senate/House) and Executive(president) what are the chances of using that approach.

    I hate to say this since I'm charged to the India queue as well. However this will not get solved soon. I saw on CNBC this afternoon that there were something like 53K H1b visas for Indians last year, next was china with like 8 or 9K, then others(I had no idea it was that lop-sided). When H1b visas are going so disproportionately to one country, the only solution to solve the EB green card logjam is to either put country caps on H1b visa or lift it on EB green cards. This is not opinion, it is quite simply a fact. Absent that, we can consider the EB green card route closed for anyone from India.
    There is little and declining sympathy for the pro H1b forces. I suspect we will see highly restrictive legislation pretty soon, and based on the current sentiment wouldn't bet against it passing either.


    Black And White Beach Photography. At the Beach:
  • At the Beach:

  • gc28262
    03-07 12:03 PM
    .................................................. .
    I also called a member of IV core yesterday evening and they told me that they have told you not to do whatever that you are doing. I was told that you are hurting their effort and you have been told this pretty clearly. But you continue with this senseless and direction less ranting and you continue to cause damage to the effort for the removal of country-limits.

    Its disgusting that rather than working with others to fix this complicated and difficult issue, you continue to beat your own drum, without actually doing anything, but at the same time hurting the issue you claim you care for. And on top of that you want to remove the country limits only until you get your green card. Is that rationale to you in any which way?????? No. Is your action selfish????? YES.


    I also worked with mirage on this effort, though I haven't send out letters or called congressmen yet.

    This effort was started knowing IV did not endorse it. We knew IV did not endorse it, but never heard from anyone in core why they opposed it. We did some guess work of why IV opposed this effort and figured it out it was not that risky effort.

    We hoped to have someone from IV core joining our call and explaining why it was not a good idea.

    If someone starts a focus group ( whether IV endorses it or not), it is in IV core's interest to make sure IV core's concerns are heard in the effort.

    mirage himself was close to IV core at some point. I guess he didn't have much idea why IV core opposed this.

    Anyway IV core and members should join such efforts and let their voices heard. There is no point in complaining once focus team members have started acting on their agenda.

    Coming to the effort, I don't think mirage is following any selfish agenda by his proposal. He is not proposing anything that will close doors behind him.

    hair Marconi Beach Wellfleet: Black Black And White Beach Photography. Tags: artistic photography
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  • krustycat
    09-28 10:16 PM
    Here is my case. My lawyer sent the papers on July 5th. and the package were received at NSC by F HEINAUER. We're a family of 4.
    I have a LUD on the approved I140 on 07/28/07 (TX).
    Rest of the details you can see in my signature.


    Black And White Beach Photography. Woman sitting on a each
  • Woman sitting on a each

  • z029556
    09-27 02:14 PM
    Hi Guys,

    My application was sent on Aug 7th reached USCIS (NSC)on Aug 8th. Recieved my reciept # on Sep 24 from lawyer. But my wife hasn't recieved the RN. Was wondering if any one are in the same boat.


    hot Click to view Fine art lack Black And White Beach Photography. Black and white print
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  • waitingonlc
    06-07 01:55 AM
    Filed on June,01,2007

    My Attorney had sent my files on 05/31/07 and they were delivered at NSC on june,01,2007 and waiting for the receipt numbers.


    house (Black and white beach) Black And White Beach Photography. The Glorious Black and White
  • The Glorious Black and White

  • gc_on_demand
    08-28 07:55 AM
    My H1b Extention got approved from Vermont center yesterday.

    First 3 year extention filled on July 10th 2008 .

    Approval notice sent Email : Aug 27th 2008.

    GC Details : PD Jan 2008
    I 140 Appoval date : July 31st 2008.

    No RFE in h1b extention. One more exp at NJ DMV..

    My NJ DL was expiring in Sep 2008 . My visa was expiring in Nov 2008. ( Stamp and I 797 ).

    I went to NJ DMV and they renewd my DL till Nov + 90 days = Feb 2009.
    it was smooth process and took 1 hour to get it renew.

    tattoo Black amp; White Photography Black And White Beach Photography. Honestly is there a each in
  • Honestly is there a each in

  • shakunbansal
    09-20 08:53 PM
    Anybody with case filed on aug9th with NSC recieved any notice??


    pictures photo of Galicia Beach, Black And White Beach Photography. Black and White Photography-
  • Black and White Photography-

  • sankap
    07-12 06:27 PM
    ...he may just approve even if you show the self employment will be in future (for future job requirement for GC), and he may agree for your "projected income".
    Suppose you're on the 3rd month of a 3-month contract on self-employment in same/similar occupation (a "permanent" job). Now, can't you say your "projected" annual income on self-employment, esp. if the project is *likely* to be extended for an unknown period? Another scenario: In a month you're *expected* to start working on a three-month project (@$60/hr). Can't you calculate your annual income ("projected," of course)?

    I think you have not read recent horror stories in H1B. They are just like that denying majority of H1B.
    Statistically speaking, there is always a high probability of H1B getting denied than for GC. Also, H-1B fraud (and now L1, EB1-GC "frauds"), esp. by desi IT bodyshoppers, is more prevalent (as noted by BusinessWeek) than GC fraud. In any case, just because a large number of H-B petitions are getting rejected, on *genuine* grounds, you can't assume the same proportion of GCs getting rejected.

    If the petitioner does not provide commitment/contract from end client for the entire duration of H1B period, H1B approval impossible. H1B is a temporary job; just think how much they will scrutinize for GC.
    H1B is a temporary job from USCIS perspective. Most of the time the employer is hiring an H-1B to fill a FT, "permanent" position. Why would that employer (e.g., an R&D or oil company) give the commitment for, say, just 3 (initial) years of contract? Most of the time, the employer has *intent* to keep the H-1B on that same job after GC.

    Those golden period are long gone. This is enforcement period as US unemployment rate is in double digit.
    Current recession/depression doesn't mean the USCIS/DOL flout their rules/laws (e.g., AC21)--it just means they need to follow the rules more strictly and reject any potential fraudulent cases. This enforcement is only going to increase as it takes more time for the economy to bottom out. Law-abiding H-1B and GC petitioners need not fear that.

    AC21 memo is a non-binding memo. Tomorrow they may release another memo or regulation that repeal the self employment in AC21 cases.
    If AC21 memo is non-binding, which immigartion law is binding? We can go with only current rules/laws; the rest is speculation.

    dresses Black and white print Black And White Beach Photography. lack-and-white-photography-on
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  • go_gc_way
    06-23 12:21 PM
    I would say that Social Sec Taxes and Medicare are unfair taxes. Some H-1Bs (read people from India and China) are not treated the same way as citizens, Green Card holders, and othe H-1Bs (read from Western Europe). Since they wont give us GC's.., we have to eventually go home. This implies, no Medicare or Social Sec benefits. Going by a conservative estimate.. there are about 500,000 GC applications in the blackhole for an average of 3 yrs. Each pays on an average $4,200 SC and Medicare taxes. So the state owes us $6.3 Billion... We sincerely request that we be treated fairly and our money be given back to us.. OR.. easy for them, give us GC

    $ 6.3b !!!!! How and where did one get that figure, I am not sure. But I certainly feel SSN money may be considered to given back to H1's who have stayed here for significant number of Years and acchiveing nothing -- GC.

    I feel that is fair request. I hope this becomes a formal request to appropriate Office to consider. What do you guys think on the Forum.


    makeup At the Beach: Black And White Beach Photography. (Black and white beach)
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  • rsayed
    08-27 12:01 PM
    Does this mean, if someone has never done FP for 485, will need to do it now for EAD even if it is paper based?

    That is correct!

    girlfriend Honestly is there a each in Black And White Beach Photography. lack and white photo I
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  • dtekkedil
    07-05 02:49 PM
    Hey Prashant can you add the plan of action into your first post on this thread?

    hairstyles Woman sitting on a each Black And White Beach Photography. Geoff White Photography
  • Geoff White Photography

  • Googler
    07-07 08:31 PM
    All officials have talked about processing 60k visas in a month to avoid visas going waste.
    None was honest enough to say the unused visas expire on 09/30 NOT 06/30.
    So, why the mad rush to give out all visas by 06/30?? We all know why..

    Well on that she will just pass the buck to USCIS -- that was their problem -- and USCIS is DHS' problem not DOS (her Dept).

    07-10 02:28 PM
    Looks like CNN - India covered the our flower campaign story on TV!

    Just got an SMS from India!

    08-15 11:18 AM
    Received email from CRIS: EAD Card production ordered on August 14, 2008 for both myself and husband.

    I applied April 18th and did FP July 22, 08.

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