Monday, July 4, 2011

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  • saketkapur
    05-10 05:26 PM
    Guys life is not fair......the only way any media or congressional attention can be gained is by playing the age old tested and tried method shwon to work even if its a low blow..

    DISCRIMINATION based on national origin......we need to make it about nationality and RACE........

    The illegals are playing the card and most probably will get what they want........

    Nobody gives a rats ass if we played by the rules or not.......rules change, games change...we need to take a more united(join forces with all immigrants irrespective of their status) and fight on a common platform.......we should get to make anybody who opposes us on whatever ground(justified or not) declared into a RACIST.......

    Our opposition is not divided we cannot afford to be either.....remember JO JEETA WAHI SIKANDER.......Victory is all that counts....just my 2 cents........

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  • anilsal
    12-13 12:07 PM
    All actions taken by IV is for the community. We are enjoying many benefits (AC21, 7th year H) etc that was a struggle by earlier outfits like ISN.

    IV will be successful.

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  • texcan
    09-02 11:39 AM
    For spouse received EAD card, valid for 2 years

    Filed: June 24th, 2008

    CPO email received twice Aug 28th, 2008
    Filed: June 18th, 2008
    Status: Waiting for CARD.

    AP Status:
    Lawyer says that he has received AP last week for both of us.
    Not very certain of his claims,untill i see the documents.

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  • pamposh
    09-15 12:40 PM

    I have created a Shared Spreadsheet with the list of people who have pledged in favor of this effort.

    Everyone can view it, but unfortunately, i didn'y think it was ideal for everyone to edit. I will be more than happy to grant Edit access to a few more folks who are willing to help. Also, from security point of view, i think we should add our IV handle instead of real name. Since we have email ID's and ph#, we can be in touch as soon as it it time for action.

    Please keep sending me ur details to add to this list. Remember, we only proceed if we have atleast 1000 pledged members.

    I will keep publishing this sheet from time to time on this thread so people know.

    Please keep pouring in with ur suggestions.

    My suggestion, please do not make the phone number and email ids available in public. Many (like me) may not like any/everyone knowing my phone number and email id.

    we could just hide these two columns... just a thought.


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  • ho_gaya_kaya_?
    12-16 06:42 PM
    Been in the US since 1998, have an EB-2 PD of 2001, have played by the rules all along. Still no GC... And, the dates are going back to 2000 from the new year.. I've lost hopes...

    I'm pretty close to getting clinical depression because of this game played by USCIS, Labor Dept, FBI and my own bad luck.

    SKILL bill, OMNIBUS, etc. comes and goes. IV does seem to be doing things to lobby for the community, but let's face one reality. Like a news article said, no one in congress or senate wants to touch immigration even with a long pole until 2009.

    The US has been very good to me (other than the GC part), more than my home country (India) which is why I'm still here.

    Have invested too much of time in this country to just pack up and go. Just curious if any of you feel this way? How do you handle such depressing feelings?

    Think Positive- that's the first prerequisite for positive things to happen.

    I am quote content with what I have at this point
    8 months ago- everything looked hopeless.
    it seemed I was ages away from being able to change a job or ever get a GC
    but here I am - few weeks ago (fingers crossed) from being able to change jobs on AC21.

    So I thank God for the small mercies and carry on
    Would I like to get a GC? yes. Of course !!!
    But I do pause to thank for what I have and try to make the most of it.
    I am sure you too have lots to be grateful for.

    Chin up- and try not to think about GC so much...that works for me at least...

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  • xu1
    05-03 11:58 AM
    thanks for responding...any contradicting/second opinions? What is the exemption towards - both filing for 485 and processing of 485 too, right? Isn't it an exemption from the EB quota?
    Exemption of a qualified alien from the availability of visa numbers. So yes, you can file for 485 however unavailable EB2/3/1 visa numbers are.

    And I agree with the previous poster that should this SKIL ever pass, it does not matter under which category your employer filed your LC, you are able to go ahead and file for AOS with a post-graduate US STEM degree.


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  • bvibhu
    07-19 09:43 PM
    Count me in...

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  • dingdong12
    11-18 07:15 PM
    for me and the wife


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  • dingudi
    02-05 11:38 AM
    No FP yet for me too.July 2 filer. Application at TSC.

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  • Pineapple
    10-27 12:21 PM
    Just to clarify, it is just one person (The Ombudsman), not "folks". My previous comment was meant to illustrate the absurdity of such a suggestion.

    For those who did not get my reference to "Ed Anger" of the Weekly World News:

    Are folks on this thread suggesting we contact (communicate our plans to !!!) numbersusa? They are not going to listen to us, I can guarantee you that --- even if we tone down our demands! They might use our plans to develop a more effective strategy for themselves; they hate us from the bottom of their hearts. This is the most ridiculous and impractical thing I've heard in a while.


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  • gc_aug_2010
    08-24 05:48 PM
    Hi guys,

    Did anyone here get this RFE (quoted below)? I have been working for the sponsoring company for the past 5+ years at various client locations. The current location is a different state from the employer state. I always had all LCA's etc..So any tips on how to respond is highly appreciated.

    Is just an EVL stating "same terms as in I-140 apply and still continue to offer" be good enough? Or do u guys suggest sending current LCA and pay stubs? I really dont want to send too much or too less..

    I know people have different things to say and my lawyer will have his own opinion, but i wanted to see if anyone got this and how their lawyers responded and what response got their approval. Thanks in advance

    "The documentation submitted with your application and/or a review of Service records indicates that you no longer reside in the same state or geographical location as the underlying Form I-140 immigrant visa petitioner and/or the job location specified by your intended permanent employer.

    Therefore, submit a currently dated letter from your original Form I-140 employer which addresses this discrepancy. The letter should also indicate whether the terms and conditions of your employment-based visa petition (or labor certification) continue to exist."

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  • desi3933
    07-10 06:54 AM
    This comment was then obviously was not directed to you but to others who advise to "file AC21."

    Thanks, Sankap, for the clarification. Because, in this post you have addressed that post to me and asked me this as #7. Here is that post again -


    1. ....

    7. Since you're *not* required to inform USCIS on your job changes, why "file AC21" (and stir things), or advise people to do so?

    Please show me any of my post where I have advised people to file for AC-21.



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  • alias
    08-18 01:17 PM
    This issue cannot be solved through Lawsuit. What are the other alternatives?

    Ahh I see, I have an idea - lets all do dharna in front of CIS!

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  • theOne
    05-08 11:56 PM
    Are you sure you can open a business on H1B ?

    Thank you,

    Donated ~$300 via paypal
    Will someone please respond ?

    Thank you.


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  • jthomas
    05-08 10:42 PM
    How about framing a letter and getting 5000 copies through a printing press for $125/- and send it to all the lawmakers, press media. We have done a flyier campaign for IV how about a flyer campaign again.
    :) The stamps would be getting expensive, Buy it today or tommorrow from Costco (100 forever stamps for 41 dollars:(

    It is true that country quota is a discrimination. But when you just try to remove the country quota other country persons are going to oppose as they will be impacted if country quota is removed. But if you try with other agenda like recapture then opposition may not be strong and also every one will get benefit.

    QUOTE=hindu_king;339926]Below is what I sent. Maybe we can tweak this letter and send it to all senators and congressmen.

    Subject: Discrimination of Indian Immigrants

    Dear President Obama,

    I wanted to bring to your attention the plight of hundreds of thousands of highly skilled Indian immigrants waiting endlessly for many years in order to obtain a permanent residency in the US. The process of getting a permanent residency is a long, winding, time consuming, financially and emotionally draining experience, with no end at sight. After 5 to 10 years of waiting in line, paying taxes, obeying law, many high skilled workers from India find that permanent residency is only a dangling carrot that they may never get it.

    One of the biggest hurdles for high skilled immigrants from India is a country cap that limits applicants from any one country from having more than 7% of the available employment based green cards (140,000 visa numbers per year). This means applicants from countries like Andorra and Luxembourg get the same number of green cards as applicants from India and China. This causes a person from India and China to wait 5 to 10 years in order to get permanent residency while applicants from all other countries have zero wait time. We are here in USA because we wanted to be a part of USA, and not because we came from a certain country. All applicants should be treated equally and country cap only allows discrimination by national origin in the disguise of fairness to all, as US has a lot more high skilled workers from India or China than from Andorra or Luxembourg.

    President Obama, we are here to pursue the American Dream and we find hurdles at every level during the immigration process. I request you to kindly remove the discriminatory country cap and provide us relief. This is a small step that can enormously help hundred of thousands of high skilled immigrants and we will be grateful to you for our lifetime.

    Thank you President Obama and you are doing a wonderful job!

    Xxxxx xxxxx[/QUOTE]

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  • nefrateedi
    08-22 04:01 PM
    Application reached NSC on July 14. No receipts or cashed checks yet.


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  • kosars
    02-14 10:58 PM
    contributed $ 100

    Transaction ID: 71H4440142718204T

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  • TheOmbudsman
    06-26 11:40 AM
    Your perception couldn't be more distorted.
    If that is your personal opinion, I'd respect that. If you are a member of IV core team, let me know because I will call to to have a conversation with you.

    People, the bill is called "Comprehensive Immigration Reform". It can only be comprehensive if it takes into account the legal population and the illegal population. This bill could not come at a better time for us with the mid-term elections coming up. The Executive Branch of Government is pressuring for passage of this legislation. It will be a huge issue for the mid-term elections. The Republican House is in a no win situation, passage means amnesty (their words, not mine) and non-passage makes them look ineffective. For now all we can do is sit back and wait and watch. It will take the majority of the house spin doctors a while to figure out how to proceed with maximum benefit for the Republican Party. This is the nature of politics.

    For a little entertainment, we can always predict next months visa bulletin! (Sorry, I couldn't resist).

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  • yabadaba
    05-09 02:14 PM
    i was feeling a lil down too for the last cupl of days...responding to some of those posters/reading their comments on alipac really brought me down.

    however i m feeling better now seeing the drama on immigration portal june visa bulletin thread...not that i am a drama monger.. but seeing drama between two professionals really spices things up.. why else are boxing and wwf interesting

    06-28 07:31 PM

    This is not going to be a concrete suggestions like the ones seen above in the page 7 of this thread. There is a large India Caucus in the senate (also in House??) and they are well tuned to the reality of situations. I dont mean that these efforts should narrowed down to a particular subpopulation of retrogression victims. This is just a suggestion with good intentions. Even if this India Caucus congress members may not have direct role in immigration bills, I wonder whether they could be used to approach other members with stake in this immigration legislation. I am sorry I dont know anybody in that caucus (wish I did).

    07-20 08:16 AM
    Count me in.

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