Friday, July 1, 2011

Life And Death Tattoo

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  • gsc999
    07-19 07:06 PM
    Zoooom thanks for doing this. Anzerraja good work. You two work good as a team.

    Twicetwice & Anzerraja, your generous pledge has inspired me to pledge $100 for now, more later.

    We should merge all other threads dealing with this issue over here for convenience

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  • tonyHK12
    02-01 02:38 PM
    Donated $100 for the event.

    Thank you pd052009, Rajeev, arun_ramani, tonyHK12 for your donations.

    Total Contribution: $600
    Amount to be raised: 50,000 - 600 = $49,400

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  • buddyinsd
    08-27 06:44 PM
    I'd suggest u guys take ur card magnetization talk onto another thread instead of making other current and still waiting ppl feel bad about the fact that they still dont have cards but here we have others talking about their plastic cards.

    it is not to prevent 'de-magnetization' but to prevent rfid communication. All new passport and other govt id 'cards' ship with rfid chip in them which contains encrypted biometrics info. Since rfid info can be read even 10 meters away with right equipment, it is better to put it in a metallic sleeve (creating a Faraday cage) to prevent anyone from sniffing then biometrics info.
    here is more info ..

    SecureIDNews | New U.S. 'Green Card' using optical stripe, RFID technology (

    edit: some additional info, mythbusters did a segment on the myth of demagentized credit card. It would take a really very strong magnet to demagnetize the strip, definitely not the kind you would carry in your pocket.

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  • harikris
    09-10 09:28 PM
    Harikris, I hear you. People are in different situations. I was not mad about moving to this country and for a long time, I preferred travelling instead. Then I reached a point where I preferred to be with my family and thought it is best if we move here and we filed for our GC at the same time. If it does not work out, I am entirely content moving back. Heck, even if it does work out, I might move back.

    I am not crazy enough for my GC to spend all my waking hours trolling forums and calling people names. It is just not worth it. I do donate, the same way that I donate to the local zoo and botanical garden. I give them money to run something so that I and others may benefit from it. The people who run it are passionate about it and do it for themselves and others.

    If things work out, everyone will benefit, the people who worked, and those who didn't, the people who donated and those who didn't. When India fought for its freedom, people donated money and time. I am ready to bet that less than 1% joined in the strugle. There were people who worked for the british government and there were people who went on with their lives. Everyone got freedom, the people who worked got recognized and remembered. That is life.

    The ones who are desperate need others to pitch in to create a critical mass in terms of both money and numbers. I think this realization needs to sink in and insulting people into getting donations out of them is probably not a strategy that will work very well.

    These forums are an excellent rallying point and I think more people being helpful and polite will go a long way.

    Of course, I say all this with my leathery skin waiting to be called a useless idiot who writes bullshit.

    You are very practical and have excellent points.
    Sometimes, ppl do get carried away by their passion (height of desperation if one looks at it another angle). We have to accommodate folks that cannot have a nonchalant attitude towards Immigration. Just like health care, GC stirs up our deepest and strongest emotions. For many, GC is an all-or-nothing proposition (again let's not fret about why it might be so, because they might have their own good reasons). Regardless, i agree with you completely, civility should not be lost. We have a broken Immigration system - all i care is how to fix it.

    I am becoming a donor for the following reasons -
    1. It is better to be informed and be involved rather than be "out of the loop" or in the dark
    2. It is not free to get anything done in the commercial capital of the planet
    3. Selfish motivation - life is short. i would like to see the end of this struggle as soon as i can. personally, cannot be a mute spectator esp. when i see someone else fighting for MY cause and I being fortunate to lend a helping hand
    4. Altruistic motivation - gives some meaning to life whether we get anything done or not at the end of the day. if successful, would have the satisfaction of being part of the solution - the intangible benefits of that feeling is unexplainable.

    Wish us luck and my best to everyone in all their endeavors.


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  • ganguteli
    02-26 02:06 PM
    Very well written. We need this kind of language material to present to our friends. You got my contribution. How do I donate $20? I don't see tab for that money on page. Minimum for one time contribution I see is $100. Also is there any way that I do not have to use paypal and directly use my cc to pay?

    Also not all of us are as good in writing or speaking the same language. I am glad you understand the pains of IV core but unfortunately all of us have not gone through the same things as you have. So we surely need some convincing on part of IV. This post I see is right step. I need some more info to present to my friends, as to why they should contribute. That would be perfect.

    So much hoopla for a mere $20!

    I do not think that you will even contribute that. You are just looking for excuses not to pay. And don't tell me that your friends can pay 500 or 5000....

    They cannot even pay 5 dollars. People who want to contribute, just contribute and not make a big fuss over $20. Go have a lunch today with your $20 instead but for heavens sake do not force people to spend 20 minutes answering you for 20 dollars. Or maybe give it to your lawyer or AILA as you beleve in them.

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  • xbeartai
    05-23 01:52 PM

    Published: May 23, 2007

    First I had to laugh. Then I had to cry.

    I took part in commencement this year at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
    one of America's great science and engineering schools, so I had a front-row
    seat as the first grads to receive their diplomas came on stage, all of
    them Ph.D. students. One by one the announcer read their names and each was
    handed their doctorate - in biotechnology, computing, physics and
    engineering - by the school's president, Shirley Ann Jackson.

    The reason I had to laugh was because it seemed like every one of the newly
    minted Ph.D.'s at Rensselaer was foreign born. For a moment, as the foreign
    names kept coming - "Hong Lu, Xu Xie, Tao Yuan, Fu Tang" - I thought that
    the entire class of doctoral students in physics were going to be Chinese,
    until "Paul Shane Morrow" saved the day. It was such a caricature of what
    President Jackson herself calls "the quiet crisis" in high-end science
    education in this country that you could only laugh.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm proud that our country continues to build
    universities and a culture of learning that attract the world's best minds.
    My complaint - why I also wanted to cry - was that there wasn't someone from
    the Immigration and Naturalization Service standing next to President
    Jackson stapling green cards to the diplomas of each of these foreign-born
    Ph.D.'s. I want them all to stay, become Americans and do their research and
    innovation here. If we can't educate enough of our own kids to compete at
    this level, we'd better make sure we can import someone else's, otherwise we
    will not maintain our standard of living.

    It is pure idiocy that Congress will not open our borders - as wide as
    possible - to attract and keep the world's first-round intellectual draft
    choices in an age when everyone increasingly has the same innovation tools
    and the key differentiator is human talent. I'm serious. I think any foreign
    student who gets a Ph.D. in our country - in any subject - should be
    offered citizenship. I want them. The idea
    that we actually make it difficult for them to stay is crazy.

    Compete America, a coalition of technology companies, is pleading with
    Congress to boost both the number of H-1B visas available to companies
    that want to bring in skilled foreign workers and the number of employment-
    based green cards given to high-tech foreign workers who want to stay here.
    Give them all they want! Not only do our companies need them now, because we
    're not training enough engineers, but they will, over time, start many more
    companies and create many more good jobs than they would possibly displace.
    Silicon Valley is living proof of that - and where innovation happens
    matters. It's still where the best jobs will be located.

    Folks, we can't keep being stupid about these things. You can't have a world
    where foreign-born students dominate your science graduate schools,
    research labs, journal publications and can now more easily than ever go
    back to their home countries to start companies - without it eventually
    impacting our standard of living - especially when we're also slipping
    behind in high-speed Internet penetration per capita. America has fallen
    from fourth in the world in 2001 to 15th today.

    My hat is off to Andrew Rasiej and Micah Sifry, co-founders of the Personal
    Democracy Forum. They are trying to make this an issue in the presidential
    campaign by creating a movement to demand that candidates focus on our
    digital deficits and divides. (See: <>.) Mr. Rasiej, who unsuccessfully ran for public advocate of New York City in 2005 on a platform calling for low-cost wireless access everywhere, notes that "only half of America has broadband access to the Internet." We need to go from "No Child Left Behind," he says, to "Every Child

    Here's the sad truth: 9/11, and the failing Iraq war, have sucked up almost
    all the oxygen in this country - oxygen needed to discuss seriously
    education, health care, climate change and competitiveness, notes Garrett
    Graff, an editor at Washingtonian Magazine and author of the upcoming book "
    The First Campaign," which deals with this theme. So right now, it's mostly
    governors talking about these issues, noted Mr. Graff, but there is only so
    much they can do without Washington being focused and leading.

    Which is why we've got to bring our occupation of Iraq to an end in the
    quickest, least bad way possible - otherwise we are going to lose Iraq and
    America. It's coming down to that choice.


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  • marty
    05-30 09:59 AM
    Fundo: Does your I-94 say you are on parole?

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  • trd
    07-20 10:23 AM
    I Pledge $100


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  • fastergcwanted
    06-16 04:22 PM
    First of all, congrats to everyone in the final stages of this tedious and frustrating process.

    I have a question for people who filed I-140 and I-485 concurrently and got their receipt numbers.

    I have gotten receipt numbers for my concurrently filed I-485 and I-765 as I paid for them (PD April 2003, I-140/I-485 filed at NSC). I do not have receipt for I-140 after more than 2 weeks. My employer is not giving me receipt number for I-140 as he may be wanting more money from me. Now, I have read in a forum that I-140 when applied concurrently should have receipt number very close to I-485 receipt number and normally I-140 receipt number is less than I-485 receipt number (i.e. if I-485's last four digits are 4600 then last 4 for I-140 number will be lower than 4600 and close to it. So, in theory I can scan numbers prior to mine and find closer ones for the same date and track them.

    If you can please check your numbers and tell me if your I-140 number is before your I-485 number and how close they are to each other, I would really appreciate it.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • manishcp
    09-14 07:06 AM
    July 3rd, 11:14AM signed by F Heinauer @ NSC
    Good luck to everyone.


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  • paragpujara
    08-09 07:44 AM
    Yesterday status got updated for me and my wife as below:

    Current Status: Approval notice sent.

    On August 8, 2008, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I485 APPLICATION TO REGISTER PERMANENT RESIDENCE OR TO ADJUST STATUS. Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.

    Hope I will receive GC soon. Haven't got CPO mails/status yet.

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  • alias
    08-18 01:17 PM
    This issue cannot be solved through Lawsuit. What are the other alternatives?

    Ahh I see, I have an idea - lets all do dharna in front of CIS!


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  • amitjoey
    07-05 03:55 PM
    Either way it is going to work, we have to make a buzz about it.. Meaning, talk about it. Talk about flowers being sent to USCIS.

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  • meridiani.planum
    08-25 01:25 PM
    ,... I haven't visited the forums in a while but doesn't look like much has changed. Division betwen IT and non IT. Dvision between people working at "full time positions". division between eb2 and eb3; country quota, etc.

    its the same script, just the actors change.

    P.S: Remember you from your days on thanks for spending time on IV. The new-kids-on-the-block are always jumpy and eager, many old-timers who have been beaten into submission by USCIS appreciate your expertise and words of caution...


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  • caeb2rir
    08-03 04:52 PM
    My checks got cleared at TSC today.

    My 140 was approved at TSC, sent 485 to Nebraska on June 22, they received on June 25. I called to check status yesterday, the lady said to wait. On asking if case will be transferred to TSC and if TSC will generate receipts, she said she doesn't know, but it may take at least 2-3 weeks to process receipts at Nebraska.

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  • h1techSlave
    03-28 10:46 AM
    I have read in these forumns that USCIS wasted around 11,000 visas in 2007. The way things go, they will waste another 10,000 visas during this year also.

    Stopping this wastage should be our #1 priority. But nobody seems to care about this point. Even Murthy during her discussions with USCIS does not seem to be talking about this wastage. I wonder she is even aware of this problem. May be the lawyers are very happy to extend EAD for each of us for eternity.

    As per murthy bulletin, EB3 India might become unavailable or will stay where it is.. If i interpret correctly. Looks like EB3 will remain the same. Very disappointing.


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  • waitingonlc
    06-07 01:55 AM
    Filed on June,01,2007

    My Attorney had sent my files on 05/31/07 and they were delivered at NSC on june,01,2007 and waiting for the receipt numbers.

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  • nomi
    08-23 01:59 PM
    Hi team,

    Just wondering usually how long does it take to get approval notice of I -485 once PD become current ? Any idea or any comments will be really helpful.

    Thank you.

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  • new_horizon
    03-05 03:59 PM
    I landed in Jan08 thru Windsor border in Michigan. I drove in my car to CA. You'll go to the immigration officer who'll check your landing docs, and then ask you to sign the landing document. Then show them the proof of funds. I had a cashier's check for the amount. Then you'll be asked for an address in CA. If asked tell them you are planning to settle at the address. If you say you are returning to US, they'll not give you the PR card saying when you come to live in CA they'll issue it. I made that mistake. They stamp your passport with the entry stamp. Without a PR card you can't enter CA at an airport. Your only option is driving to CA thru a land border. They'll let you in with just the stamp on the PP. Fortunately I live close to Windsor border.
    As someone pointed out, you'll then go to customs, where they'll check the goods you are bringing or plan to bring later. There are 2 different forms for 'bringing goods with you' and 'goods to follow'. Make sure you fill in all the item in your home on the 'goods to follow' with some details like model number, etc. If you are not planning to live to CA, don't fill anything on the 'bringing goods form.

    03-06 04:38 PM
    You are seeing it from a complete 180 degrees than I see it. It's not us who's discriminating, it is the laws which are discriminating. I am asking them to treat us all equal, I entered the country on an H1B which was an employement based application it did not hav any country quota, then why should green cards for EB have country quota. Why should a person from India wait for 10 year and a person from Romania get it in 1 year....I think your ROW friends shold understand our position.

    We are not asking for discriminating ROW. All we are asking is to end discriminating Indians.

    06-20 10:35 AM
    A question about CIR. Currently isin't it more beneficial for anti-immigrants to just ensure that absolutely NOTHING is done to CIR? That way the Senate version of CIR never sees the light of day, but since it doesnt die either, no other legislation can come into place.

    I guess my question is, how & when exactly does CIR "die"/get phased out of the picture so that other legislations may be considered?

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