Tuesday, June 28, 2011

tectonics plates map

images Global Tectonic Plate Map with tectonics plates map. Map of the Earth#39;s tectonic
  • Map of the Earth#39;s tectonic

  • bombaysardar
    05-31 07:49 AM
    Current status Applied for AOS, have AP & H1B approved till 2009

    I've travelled twice using AP in the last 6 months (to countries other than Canada), CBP never asked me any questions, I think I will take the chance...

    Recent landers, please can you share any thoughts or experiences ??

    wallpaper Map of the Earth#39;s tectonic tectonics plates map. a tectonic plate. U.S. Map
  • a tectonic plate. U.S. Map

  • Honda
    09-09 10:30 PM
    We want to do some thing for elimination of backlogs Especially for EB3 - India Else we wont see any more progress.

    All EB3 people please share your thoughts to resolve this issue.

    tectonics plates map. tectonics plates map.
  • tectonics plates map.

  • GC08
    05-04 09:08 PM
    I have to say, no matter how reluctant I am, that I am pretty depressed about the whole green card thing. I have always tried to have a positive attitude and I definitely know that there are a lot of things much more important than green cards. However, I do feel the emotional toll of green card retrogression. Maybe admitting, instead of denying, of the frustration, depression, and even anger is better and may help face it up.

    2011 a tectonic plate. U.S. Map tectonics plates map. MAP 1. NW Europe: Tectonic map
  • MAP 1. NW Europe: Tectonic map

  • gc_check
    06-08 01:42 PM
    yea...you are right...it seems they are not processing anything today..

    Also i heard that on June 4 th approx 1100 485 apps was receipted. That makes it approx a total of 1800 for jun 1 and 4.

    What is the source of the updates/information you have posted.


    tectonics plates map. plate tectonics,
  • plate tectonics,

  • SunnySurya
    08-18 01:17 PM
    Again folks! please think hard, what can be done ???? (other than filling lawsuits)

    tectonics plates map. Caribbean Tectonic Plate.
  • Caribbean Tectonic Plate.

  • kannan
    02-15 12:00 PM
    I applied on July2,got the receipt on Aug 22 nd.Got EAD,AP.
    One strange thing is my case is NSC to CSC but still in CSC only .I think except my case,all others cases transfred back to NSC.I do not know the reason.
    Any comments please....


    tectonics plates map. File:Philippine Plate map-fr.
  • File:Philippine Plate map-fr.

  • swissgear
    08-25 10:00 PM
    Not sure if its a BREAK or no Visa numbers...

    On a serious note, there have been 4 cases approved today(from other site - 2 cases from India and 2 from ROW). So looks like there are some ROW applications also in queue during this time of the year getting approved. I saw someone from EB2-ROW getting 485 approved (filed 140/485 concurrently) in a record time of just 30 calendar days(Filed on July 26th and approved Aug 25th). Never heard USCIS was so efficient.
    Looking at the positive side, since they are still approving ROW cases, it may mean that spillover is still happening and there are visas available.

    2010 tectonics plates map. tectonics plates map. Global Tectonic Plate Map with
  • Global Tectonic Plate Map with

  • reachthepalace
    09-13 11:40 AM
    Received note from my lawyers today on I-140/I-485 receipt at NSC

    PD: June 2007
    140/485 filed: July 27, 2007
    Received at NSC: July 30, 2007 (Don't know who signed etc.)
    Recept dated: Sept 6, 2007
    Not attending DC rally due to personal reasons.


    tectonics plates map. Map Credit: Plate tectonic
  • Map Credit: Plate tectonic

  • desi3933
    03-10 02:56 PM
    Any lobbying for immigration is tough at the time of recession. I think you are trying to do advocacy effort. Without getting approval from core IV group it will not be any use as advocacy effort only will not work. Senators will note your concerns and will act only if some bill is introduced. You need lobbying with advocacy effort for changing any law. Lobbyists will lobby only at right time as if they do in wrong time it will backfire.

    I agree.

    US citizen of Indian origin

    hair MAP 1. NW Europe: Tectonic map tectonics plates map. These maps
  • These maps

  • GCStatus
    09-14 10:13 PM
    How many admins do we have here?


    tectonics plates map. Map to show plate
  • Map to show plate

  • h1techSlave
    11-17 03:50 PM

    hot plate tectonics, tectonics plates map. Map showing
  • Map showing

  • fightnow
    07-06 07:32 PM
    This event has been registered at SJPD but no permit was issued.
    Having a permit means you can block the traffic.
    Without a permit, we are required to stay on sidewalks.
    The police put down my name, driver license # and address.
    However, when I asked if I have any liability for others fault, the ploice said NO. Everybody abides by law for himself.


    house Are The Tectonic Plates Still tectonics plates map. showing tectonic plates
  • showing tectonic plates

  • diptam
    06-27 10:11 AM
    I know - some companies are like that. My company is a chutia, harami desi body shop ... They does it with everyone i believe ...

    Sorry for the words !!

    The VP signed the letter and asked me to let him know when I get green card. He will throw a party to celebrate!

    tattoo Caribbean Tectonic Plate. tectonics plates map. where the tectonic plates
  • where the tectonic plates

  • javadeveloper
    07-20 02:15 PM
    looivy, Please have a conversation and don't turn this into a pissing contest.

    What the other post said is very true. We have 45000 members in this board, a significant majority of them are EB3. Even if 50% of the members 22000 (as an example ) contributed 25$ each, IV would have more than half a million bucks. With this money EB backlog plight could easily come out in mainstream media. Just because you, as a person, contributed does not mean all of EB people are contributing. Realizing our problem is the first step in solving it. Problem is people are not willing to contribute to IV, either their money or time, but want issues solved. Doesn't work that way..

    Again the original poster is correct in his statement.

    my .02$

    Correct me If I am wrong

    out of 45K members let's assume 22.5 K are EB2 and 22.5 K are EB3.

    Even If 11.25K (EB2)+11.25K (EB3) = 22.5 K (Total) contributes $25 Each Problems gets solved ... but the catch is ....

    Even 11.25 K EB2 members are not contributing because they don't have to as their problem is solved

    Even 11.25 K EB3 members are not contributing because they are not sure even with this contribution their problems gets solved.

    Many people are saying that EB3 members are not contributing that's why you are lagging etc...

    EB3 Members who contributed are feeling the pain because even after contribution they are not getting the results and EB2 members who didn't contributed are getting the results...


    pictures File:Philippine Plate map-fr. tectonics plates map. Map of tectonic plates from
  • Map of tectonic plates from

  • sobers
    05-02 10:42 AM
    The Brownback and Bingaman amendments need to be incorporated into this bill.


    Compete America Praises Introduction of Cornyn Legislation to Reform H-1B and Green Card Systems

    'SKIL Bill' Would Relieve Crisis Facing U.S. Employers of Highly Educated Foreign Nationals

    Washington D.C. - Compete America today praised the introduction of the "SKIL Bill" by Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) to reform both the H-1B visa and employment based (EB visa) green card processes. The legislation is cosponsored by Senators Allard (R-CO), Allen (R-VA), Bennett (R-UT), Enzi (R-WY), and Lott (R-MS).

    The SKIL Bill is the latest indicator that both the United States Senate and the Bush Administration are prepared to fix the visa system for highly educated foreign nationals. In addition to the SKIL Bill, Compete America has endorsed measures contained the Senate's comprehensive immigration legislation addressing H-1B and EB visa issues; and has also endorsed President Bush's call to ensure access to talent as part of the Administration's American Competitiveness Initiative.

    "Senator Cornyn clearly understands the contribution highly-educated foreign nationals make to the U.S. economy and to Texas," said Texas Instruments CEO and President Richard K. Templeton. "The Senator's bill reaffirms America's proud tradition of welcoming top talent to this country. The reality is that most scientists and engineers with advanced degrees from U.S. universities are foreign born. The competition for talent is truly global. If the U.S. wants to win, we absolutely must encourage these advanced degree holders to stay here and get their green cards - not send them home to compete against us. The 'SKIL' bill really advances that goal."

    Both the H-1B and EB visa/green card programs have been responsible for bringing much needed foreign talent to live and work in the United States, and most importantly, to make significant contributions to the U.S. economy and global competitiveness. However, H-1B shortages have been well documented, and backlogs in the green card system are getting worse, forcing thousands of valued foreign-born professionals - including researchers, scientists, teachers and engineers - into legal and professional limbo for seven years or more.

    Among the provisions of the SKIL Bill (Securing Knowledge Innovation and Leadership) endorsed by Compete America are the following:

    Exemptions for U.S. educated foreign workers with advanced degrees in math, science, technology and engineering fields from the H-1B and EB quotas so their talent can be retained in the United States.

    Creation of a flexible, market-based H-1B cap so that U.S. employers are not locked out of hiring critical talent.

    Extension of foreign students' post curricular optional practical training from 12 months to 24 months to allow them to go more easily from student to green card.

    Exemptions for EB/green card immigrant spouses and children from the annual cap, thus making more visas available for the professionals we need.
    The SKIL Bill contains many of the provisions for reform of the H-1B visa and EB/green card systems that are present in the two versions of comprehensive immigration reform introduced by Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter (R-PA).

    "The Senate is ready to address the problem facing U.S. employers of highly educated foreign nationals," said Sandra Boyd, National Association of Manufacturers Human Resources Policy Vice President and Compete America Chair. "It is incomprehensible that Congress would address broad immigration reform without fixing the system that brings legal, highly educated workers to the U.S. We are grateful to Senator Cornyn and the other cosponsors of the SKIL bill as well as those who have supported the inclusion of similar provisions in comprehensive immigration reform."

    dresses Map showing tectonics plates map. plate tectonic boundaries
  • plate tectonic boundaries

  • kumar26fl
    07-10 11:09 AM
    When USCIS says that they have made arrangements to forward the flowers to somewhere else, is it possible that the flowers be directly routed to the war veterans hospital instead of reaching the USCIS building first? They being government bodies, can they directly route the flowers without arriving at USCIS? Just a thought..


    makeup Map Credit: Plate tectonic tectonics plates map. Are The Tectonic Plates Still
  • Are The Tectonic Plates Still

  • gc_maine2
    07-02 09:27 AM
    I understand your frustation.. use caution while while writing.. don't use bad lang...

    I'm in very similar situation. My dates were available for June as well. My HR/Attorneys did this long and painful bureaucratic process. We have an internal website which says that my case was �filed� on Jun-29th. Don�t know what the fuck that means. Whether it was sent on 29th or received on 29th? Couldn�t get HR to answer.Don�t have direct communication lines with Attorneys... If it�s sent on 29th, does USCIS take packages on Saturday or Sunday? If they take only on Monday, will they throw it out because it reached in July? Oh well, just have to wait and see...

    girlfriend where the tectonic plates tectonics plates map. on map show tectonic plate
  • on map show tectonic plate

  • BharatPremi
    11-01 05:44 PM
    :D:Di work for big company...and i have paystubs...

    in essense...what you are saying is that if one has paystubs that one can change after the 180 day period even if 140 is not approved...

    i am beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel...:D

    hairstyles Map to show plate tectonics plates map. motions of tectonic plates
  • motions of tectonic plates

  • nogreen4decade
    08-31 03:48 PM
    Some racists could have intelligence! I am hesitant to put you in that category yet... So I wouldn't call you racist yet.... But may be an Ignorant for now ;-).... Prove it and work your way up to racist !!! You already have an advantage to become a racist with that mindset.

    How am I being a racist? I'm just pointing out the fact that North and South Indians belong to different races and USCIS should stop clubbing them together.

    12-07 01:51 PM
    Even I am waiting for my FP from TSC.

    I was thinking , that maybe , because there are so many of us who have not received FP notices, should probably send a fax or e-mail to ombudsman as a group listing our receipt numbers or maybe just names and tell them the inconsistencies from their side in issuing the FP notices.

    I have a good feeling that if the letter/email or fax goes as a group , then they may take some action.

    Just a idea , any inputs would be appreciated.

    06-26 02:25 AM
    There have been quite a number of job positions restricting specific communities. This contradicts with the EEO. Its high time these are being highlighted...

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