Thursday, June 30, 2011

satellite north korea at night

images [North Korea#39;s] satellite satellite north korea at night. A satellite imageshows a
  • A satellite imageshows a

  • vactorboy29
    11-21 04:22 PM
    I am shocked after reading this thread and even cried .We will pray for your well-being .Don�t loose your strength and believe in GOD.

    Dear Members,

    If Mehul needs some financial help can we gather together to help our brother? So that he don�t have think at least on this front. Please suggest senior members/IV.

    wallpaper A satellite imageshows a satellite north korea at night. satellite north korea at night
  • satellite north korea at night

  • rick_rajvanshi
    07-22 01:19 AM
    Hey guys

    My PR card in Canada was not issued; they rejected the photos I submitted with the original application. Now they're asking I submit new ones in PERSON!

    I will need to get a Canadian Travel document now to re-enter Canada now. Does anyone know how long it takes to get that issued?

    Plus, Since I'm using AP as well the whole re-entering the US with the Canadian Visas in my passport is once again an issue. I'm considering giving up on the PR card, since I've technically already completed my landing; I can re-apply for the PR card if and when I decide to move to Canada permanently. Can you guys advise?


    I suggest you not to go back for pictures - You can get your cards when you decide to move permanently. Till then , if you need to travel to Canada you can do so only by road ( your own or rental car ) by showing your passport and landing docs. If you want to use any airlines , you 'll have to apply for travel docs at the nearest consulate.

    Rest assured, you can get your card when you finally decide to land. It 'll not be complicated. Just approach the CIC center and file for fresh PR Card with some attested documents.

    satellite north korea at night. satellite north korea at
  • satellite north korea at

  • kuhelica2000
    01-30 06:20 PM
    This is plain simple illegal to secure H1B without a job. Period. There is no question of moral or ethical issues here.

    Moral and ethcial issues come with legal situations; like labor usb is legal but one can question whether it is etical. Same goes with PD porting. It's legal but one might question if it is ethical.

    Geeting H1 through bodyshops showing false employment is a fraud. It's high time we reported all these fraud to DOL.


    as long as there is a leeway, people do tend to take the maximum advantage of that leeway. this applies in life in every aspect. OP did the same.

    being moral or ethical is not the criterion here I guess, otherwise we would all have (I,C) have been current ( if no labor subs, eb3 to eb2 conversions etc).

    I feel bad too, seeing some one who landed on H1B in 2006 , got hold of a 2002 labor sub. and is enjoying GC right now(thanks to July 2007 fiasco)., and for crying out loud I have been in USA since 2001, went to school here, is working in a physical science research position, have one patent and filed for 2 more.

    I consider myself to have contributed to the USA, more than the guy I gave an example of (in terms of taxes, tuition, original research, etc). But does that all matter to the other guy, when he did what he did.
    that is life :D

    2011 satellite north korea at night satellite north korea at night. north korea at night satellite
  • north korea at night satellite

  • gc_on_demand
    08-29 08:26 AM
    gc_on_demand , are you with a desi consulting firm or with a US software company

    Its not Desi company.. Its US company but not software co.


    satellite north korea at night. house North Korea satellite
  • house North Korea satellite

  • gc_on_demand
    09-10 10:19 AM

    Dates move ahead means almost all people before 8 Jan 2005 will get their GC in Sep 2009.

    If that comes not true then DOS has given Spill over visas to Eb2 india on day 1 of new quarter and will do same for every quarter. If this is the case then date will move forward only in Jan 2010 bulletin.

    and if they moved date forward because there are only few hundreds case between Jan 8 and Jan 22 2005 then we will see very big movement in Aug - Sep 2009. There are very few Labor since Nov 2008. So Eb2 ROW will not utilize even 10k visas in next year thus Eb2 row will donate 20k + visas to Eb2 india and Eb1 do same ... if Eb4 and Eb5 doesnot get renewal before Sep 30th then expect 5k more visas total almost 55k Spill over to Eb2 india and China which will make Eb2 C by Sep 2010..

    satellite north korea at night. satellite north korea at
  • satellite north korea at

  • sam2006
    08-23 01:44 PM application was received by NSC on July 2nd too, and I haven't received anything yet..hope i will get it sometime are all the applications that went to NSC on July2nd are getting transfered to TSC ??

    I guess only for 140 approved in TSC are getting transfered to TSC


    satellite north korea at night. girlfriend North Korea claims
  • girlfriend North Korea claims

  • bayarea07
    02-03 04:08 PM
    Another thing i have found out here among many groups of indians here is that they are trying to do what others are doing in their group so if others are not returning back then there are also not probably returning back.

    2010 satellite north korea at satellite north korea at night. [North Korea#39;s] satellite
  • [North Korea#39;s] satellite

  • immm
    07-02 04:16 PM
    Mine delivered 9:00 AM via Fedex shipped on 6/30 lets see what others have i did it on saturday late evening.

    What address did you use to send the I-485 using FedEx or UPS?I sent it to the PO Box address:
    USCIS Nebraska Service Center
    P.O. Box 87485
    Lincoln, NE 68501-7485
    I did not know that FedEx/UPS could deliver to PO boxes and that you would have a person receiving and signing for it???



    satellite north korea at night. satellite north korea at
  • satellite north korea at

  • xbeartai
    05-23 01:52 PM

    Published: May 23, 2007

    First I had to laugh. Then I had to cry.

    I took part in commencement this year at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
    one of America's great science and engineering schools, so I had a front-row
    seat as the first grads to receive their diplomas came on stage, all of
    them Ph.D. students. One by one the announcer read their names and each was
    handed their doctorate - in biotechnology, computing, physics and
    engineering - by the school's president, Shirley Ann Jackson.

    The reason I had to laugh was because it seemed like every one of the newly
    minted Ph.D.'s at Rensselaer was foreign born. For a moment, as the foreign
    names kept coming - "Hong Lu, Xu Xie, Tao Yuan, Fu Tang" - I thought that
    the entire class of doctoral students in physics were going to be Chinese,
    until "Paul Shane Morrow" saved the day. It was such a caricature of what
    President Jackson herself calls "the quiet crisis" in high-end science
    education in this country that you could only laugh.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm proud that our country continues to build
    universities and a culture of learning that attract the world's best minds.
    My complaint - why I also wanted to cry - was that there wasn't someone from
    the Immigration and Naturalization Service standing next to President
    Jackson stapling green cards to the diplomas of each of these foreign-born
    Ph.D.'s. I want them all to stay, become Americans and do their research and
    innovation here. If we can't educate enough of our own kids to compete at
    this level, we'd better make sure we can import someone else's, otherwise we
    will not maintain our standard of living.

    It is pure idiocy that Congress will not open our borders - as wide as
    possible - to attract and keep the world's first-round intellectual draft
    choices in an age when everyone increasingly has the same innovation tools
    and the key differentiator is human talent. I'm serious. I think any foreign
    student who gets a Ph.D. in our country - in any subject - should be
    offered citizenship. I want them. The idea
    that we actually make it difficult for them to stay is crazy.

    Compete America, a coalition of technology companies, is pleading with
    Congress to boost both the number of H-1B visas available to companies
    that want to bring in skilled foreign workers and the number of employment-
    based green cards given to high-tech foreign workers who want to stay here.
    Give them all they want! Not only do our companies need them now, because we
    're not training enough engineers, but they will, over time, start many more
    companies and create many more good jobs than they would possibly displace.
    Silicon Valley is living proof of that - and where innovation happens
    matters. It's still where the best jobs will be located.

    Folks, we can't keep being stupid about these things. You can't have a world
    where foreign-born students dominate your science graduate schools,
    research labs, journal publications and can now more easily than ever go
    back to their home countries to start companies - without it eventually
    impacting our standard of living - especially when we're also slipping
    behind in high-speed Internet penetration per capita. America has fallen
    from fourth in the world in 2001 to 15th today.

    My hat is off to Andrew Rasiej and Micah Sifry, co-founders of the Personal
    Democracy Forum. They are trying to make this an issue in the presidential
    campaign by creating a movement to demand that candidates focus on our
    digital deficits and divides. (See: <>.) Mr. Rasiej, who unsuccessfully ran for public advocate of New York City in 2005 on a platform calling for low-cost wireless access everywhere, notes that "only half of America has broadband access to the Internet." We need to go from "No Child Left Behind," he says, to "Every Child

    Here's the sad truth: 9/11, and the failing Iraq war, have sucked up almost
    all the oxygen in this country - oxygen needed to discuss seriously
    education, health care, climate change and competitiveness, notes Garrett
    Graff, an editor at Washingtonian Magazine and author of the upcoming book "
    The First Campaign," which deals with this theme. So right now, it's mostly
    governors talking about these issues, noted Mr. Graff, but there is only so
    much they can do without Washington being focused and leading.

    Which is why we've got to bring our occupation of Iraq to an end in the
    quickest, least bad way possible - otherwise we are going to lose Iraq and
    America. It's coming down to that choice.

    hair north korea at night satellite satellite north korea at night. (04/21/2011) night after
  • (04/21/2011) night after

  • greenrohit
    11-18 07:24 PM


    satellite north korea at night. Above: This amazing night-time
  • Above: This amazing night-time

  • pamposh
    08-18 01:37 PM
    I dont *****ing care if they are under pressure... they still have to follow the guideliens.... just an analogy... just because ur under pressure to reach work on time... doesnt give you the liberty to speed... u still have to follow the speed limits... whatever.... i am just damn frustrated with this whole mess

    Completely agree with you. What the heck is this... why not just assign the visa numbers to application as per their PD and then see if the case can be instantly approved or needs more investigation.

    hot house North Korea satellite satellite north korea at night. Asia at night
  • Asia at night

  • iptel
    06-23 05:16 PM
    Mr. Vayalar Ravi , Minister of Overseas Indian Affairs,is coming to USA on June 27,2006. He is coming to Washington DC on July 4 to meet Indian Ambassador and Indian community. We should try to meet him personally and explain the problems we are facing. He can talk to US counterparts and do something for us.

    Let us organize an event to meet him on July 4. Since It is a holiday, lot of people can meet him and chat with him.

    Buddy you reached this thread also. What part you dont understand involving foreign influence can have catastrophic effect.


    house wallpaper hair north korea at satellite north korea at night. satellite photo of north korea
  • satellite photo of north korea

  • cooldude
    09-30 08:10 PM
    How much tense I should feel!!! Applied on July 23rd at NSC and no news so far.

    Anyone in the same boat?


    Applied on July 19 at NSC and still nothing.

    tattoo satellite north korea at satellite north korea at night. satellite north korea at night
  • satellite north korea at night

  • nagsen0
    08-29 11:43 AM
    hi GC4US

    Will USCIS REJECT MY PACKAGE OF i-140 AND i-485 because of improperly filed?

    Please help me!

    Don't worry it will be forwarded to the Texas automatically. Please read the FAQ 1, 2, and 3 issued by USCIS regarding the July visa bulletin.

    Your help would be highly appreciated![/QUOTE]


    pictures girlfriend North Korea claims satellite north korea at night. Tweet
  • Tweet

  • ravi190372
    08-28 10:28 PM
    gc_on_demand , are you with a desi consulting firm or with a US software company

    dresses Asia at night satellite north korea at night. makeup hair satellite north
  • makeup hair satellite north

  • GreenMe
    07-06 03:30 PM
    Alright friends, so we now have a lead item on Times of India on this effort.,prtpage-1.cms

    Can we now have some of the Nays turn into Ayes? We now have proof that this effort is attracting media's attention, we now have proof that it is viable. Can we please make it a smashing success by getting great numbers?

    Whoever put this on TOI did a awesome job ... great work guys ... this is absolutely amazing ... Thanks to everyone ...


    makeup satellite north korea at satellite north korea at night. wallpaper hair north korea at
  • wallpaper hair north korea at

  • kshitijnt
    07-09 02:45 PM
    consultant does not consitute employer-employee relationship. This WILL NOT satisfy the full time permanant employment.

    Oh yeah. All big time consulting companies must lay off foreign workers then, myself included. My perm was filed as IT programmer, IT consultants job code. So am I not a full time employee of consulting company? Is USCIS fool to approve my I140? Not once but twice!

    girlfriend satellite north korea at night satellite north korea at night. 2010 tattoo North Korea
  • 2010 tattoo North Korea

  • sam2006
    08-14 06:36 PM
    I have yet to receive the card
    CPO mail on 08-09

    hairstyles Above: This amazing night-time satellite north korea at night. 2011 South and North Korea.
  • 2011 South and North Korea.

  • Tito_ortiz
    05-24 01:21 AM
    Vijjus, this is coming from a veteran:
    There is not such out of touch congressmen or further education needed to be done. Congressmen are well aware of the plight of legal immigrants way before than dreamed of existence. We fought hard in order to educate congressmen and often their staff played dumb, but again the truth is that they never cared about our plight.

    The reality is that this, as usual, is primarily driven by business needs. Major employers such as Bill Gates lobby mainly for H1B numbers increase. Employers are very much aware that H1B staff under pressure can put up and deliver the very long journey of 60-80h/week expected at Microsoft. Yes, Microsoft and many other major employers could easily find qualified US students with two years of experience, skills by the way comparable to what the vast majorities of H1B's offer, but Americans who do not need the H1B would give a finger to any employer who would expect that an American would work 80h/week for 55K/year. The "brighest and the best" out there, a typical individual on the mid 30's with 10+ year of experience, masters degree and tons of sweating and bleeding in the IT world, I am not sure whether Bill Gates want to open the wallet and pay more than $100K. They would prefer to outsource the work to China - not even India anymore. That is the reason and the only reason only which explains why wages have not increased to IT programmers in the last few years.

    Illegal aliens are being backed by major employers of cheap labor, such as Wall Mart and many others. Illegals also can put extra long hours and therefore they yield more output for less investiment. That's is the reason that US employers seem to fight so consistently to keep them here. Since illegal aliens are in higher numbers and can deliver more not offshoreable productivity than us, so that is the reason why they are the ones getting the red carpet.

    At this moment our incluence is minimal, if not not pathetic. As a matter of fact, I am afraid that more our category of workers fight and protest, more the American people will be outraged and scared and will react calling *their* congressmen even harder in order to push us all out.

    For the naive and dreamers out there who are shaking their heads after reading the above and believe that the above is propaganda, so just think about it.


    Tito Ortiz


    (disclaimer: Like everyone else here, I am very dissapointed. Hence the negative mood)

    I am wondering how we ended up here. We have been doing this campaign for so long, we have now hired a lobbying firm, and we've met, called, emailed and faxed so many senators etc. How come this bill completely ignored, and in fact in some senses, hurt us?

    I have seen posts about lawmakers being stupid, out-of-touch etc but I think these posts are mostly facetious. I feel troubled by the fact that in spite of numerous efforts the lawmakers decided to ignore us - and if this was India I would have attributed this to the fact that in us they don't (yet) have a vote bank.

    Please take this post in a positive way and as a stimulus for some soul searching - why did we end up in this situation?

    03-09 02:23 PM
    sorry msp1976. You are not alone. I've a slightly different story.

    I came in 1998. Was working with Indian startup. He screwed me
    up big time. ( I decided after that I will never work for Indian employers).
    He kept on telling me now, tomorrow..for starting GC process. Finlly
    he told me to go back to Indian office( In 2001). So I quit.

    I joined with new company. After 1 year they agreed to start
    GC for me. Another Desi in the company already started his GC.
    I had to go with that lawyer, since company doesn't want to deal
    with 2 lawyers. There was something going on between this lawyer
    and this Desi guy. Anyway this lawyer took all papers from me
    and told me everything filed. After one year I came to know that
    he did not do a thing. So in effect I miss the golden chance.

    I had to start again. In 2003 middle they filed again. And
    then the retrogression.....The story goes on....

    After two years in the US, I told my employer that I want to file for GC...
    Going to and fro he spent 8 months sayign that he is in the process of doing it...Then he gave me the papers to sign...After that he kept telling me that the lawyer had filed it for one and a half year...In April 04 employer changed lawyers...The new lawyer tried to find all cases at the DOL...My case and one of my friends case is 'missing'...They telling me that is old lawyers fault.....They told us to file a new cases...I am sitting around since July 04.....I am so sick of this whole thing.....
    July 04 was my chance to change job or go back...I decided to stick with the bad...Now I am really stuck.....Am waiting for 8th year extension...Wife finishing MS in May and baby on way....I am stuck with dead end job...not well paid......

    05-04 02:43 PM
    I disagree a little bit - this will help people in EB3 indirectly
    A lot of people in EB2 and EB3 can qualify for auto adjustment of status now, so it will remove people from EB3 queue making it smaller.

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